Review IPTV Service - 7,000 Channels - Trials Available
hey guys
welcome back today we are talking envision TV great service here I want to show
you guys how to get better content at a better price than what you're paying
for cable or satellite so let's jump into this see what they've got see if you
can replace that cable or satellite to entertainment so keep in mind this is
educational purposes only I don't endorse from promote one specific service on
my channel rather I review a ton of them let you guys decide what's best for
you so please do further research before purchasing any any of these so and as
always if you're new or if you haven't yet make sure you're subscribed make
sure you got that notification Belon so you can be the first ones to find out
where to go get these services what kind of trials they offer these guys do
offer a trial I'll get into that in just a little bit we'll talk pricing as
well let's do a quick walkthrough of the app itself the
Vision TV Review IPTV Service
service what they have
what kind of channels are available and then we'll jump into the trials and
pricing all right all right so let's do this so I want to go over a couple
things they do have video on demand and TV series now I don't have access to it
because it's an add-on for the service but they do have it so if you're looking
for an all-in-one you know live TV and video on demand and TV series it is
available we'll talk that option here later but for now we're not gonna go into
the movies are serious because there's nothing there one thing I do want to
show down the bottom here is they do have multi screen so as you put this in
here you can easily come in and add any channel you want we'll get into
challenge here in a second you can see them there so that'll play here in a
second we'll come to our second one again just going quick because we don't
want to show much content here go to another one go to another area here we're
just picking four channels you'll see they're all for gonna be
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VisionTV Review IPTV Service - 7,000 Channels - Trials Available |
streaming at
once great feature here if you get the sports options here if you guys were big
into sports you'd have four of your shows running at once for that so they
don't want to come in there we go and you can set anyway for running it once
they've got it it's available I don't wanna spend too much time I just want to
show you guys that they have that multi screen there again great for sports you
click on one of those to watch them and one of the sounds playing through
that for it and there you go alright so they have a little bit of catch up in
here so this is a similar to a you know DVR function we can go to the US Entertainment
and any of these channels here will have a playback option here so let's just
go to Comedy Central you can see the past couple days South Park was on at 70
shows parking recreations anyway so let's go to the next day back Cleveland
Show was on you get the point now you can't control what hours or what shows
are recorded it just does it for you but you can see has a lot of popular
channels here that you can come watch for this so good extra features here
because they're looking for some playback you know that you want to watch and
and watch some of your favorite shows there so all right they also have a neat
feature here that not many services offer within their app is their billing and
subscriptions so when you guys have the service you can see
here's got my
services when you have an invoice come due you can click on that and you'll see
an unpaid one you can actually pay it directly from the app which is awesome
you have to log into your computer go to the email they send you once a month
you can do that all through the app itself very nice feature there so one of
the only ones that actually offer that that I've seen so not too many of them
use that version of the app there so alright let's go live tea that's what
everyone's here for all right we want to talk about channels that can replace
our cable or satellite did they have the content we're looking for at a better
price absolutely they do you can see they've got almost seven thousand channels
six nine nine four channels available now with the packages they offer here you
guys can do it what they call their light package so if you're not big into
sports you can get the service without sports for a better price we'll talk
that in here in just a minute again we'll talk that trial as well but for the
most part you can get the whole kitchen sink of channels I'm gonna show here
today plus you're gonna add on your video on the man if you really want or if
you're just looking for buy TV this is what you'll get so top areas here we've
got your your local is your ABC CBS NBC and Fox your news networks your us
entertainment that's basically your cable your kids in and Heyman they've got
music premium movies will show a lot of these categories here guys now they've
got Latino Kent Canada 24/7 I love that they've got over a thousand as one of
the largest sections out there plus
Vision TV Review IPTV Service
they've got kids box sets so between those
two they've got you know over 1200 1300 roughly 1,400 ish movies there for you
guys to look at for that now they've got your ESPN's your Fox Sports your NBC
regionals packages if you're on cable or satellite and you have to pay extra
for all those right you have to pay for the additional ESPN channels or the
additional Fox channels sports channels so they've got them here sports and
outdoors Latino anyway you guys can see they've put about every option they
have here so if you're into sports this is me a great one here they've got your
all your major sports packages your NBA NFL Major League Baseball soccer hockey
that's all here pac-12 here you can see here's we go a little bit further down
some a few other channels here for more worldwide phil european mexico you see
the word test there that means they're testing about making sure the links are
good yeah but they're still giving you guys access to them there so if they
fire for us so final is here so here in a few weeks we can have NFL football
that will be here you guys will be able to watch all of your games there for
that and one of the neat features they have hit now is they've been actually being
able to pull in the TV Guide into those sections so instead of having to scroll
through ten different channels or12 or twenty different channels to find your
favorite NFL game they'll actually have it in the description there in the TV
Guide and say you know it's the Dolphins versus the Giants or whatever it may
be alright alright let's go into some of these channels here let's go us
entertainment you guys can see here I've blocked out that image but you can
definitely see that they've got their channels loaded up right here there's
your TV Guide some channels will have a TV Guide some wall and depending what
we click on but you can see these channels are very similar what you would have
with cable or satellite your BET's or all their Bounce Bravo's are there some
CMT comedy central's CW's cooking destination discovery so you're getting all
your discoveries you're not just getting one discovery you're getting all of
those DIY e food networks and Fox stuff FX once we got Hallmark's history HD
TVs are there HLN investigations life time again this is just the entertainment
we got other categories to go through to oxygen own people PBS reals so Sony
and Spike start Sundance TBS TLC TNT Travel truTV USA riceland there you go so
quite a few those again that is just your us entertainment but you can see
these will replace cable or satellite right this is what you would normally be
paying for plus you're getting quite a few extras that are normally in those
you know higher higher end packages there so they've got your kids Network here
boomerang Cartoon Network Disney's Disney XD Knicks in here too is PBS
sprout you get the point you'll be able to find all those they're premium
movies great section here because normally you're paying more money for these
right for one for what you pay for the service per month here is usually what
one of these add-ons cost you if you kept with cable or satellite but you got
all them you got your epics HBO Showtime Cinemax Starz they're all going to be
there okay you guys will be able to find all of your channels that you're
looking for premium movies on all right news networks they've got them all
broken out here so if you're looking for news you can come find those here okay
good handful of them there for you what else we want to look at here let's look
at our sports let's look at 24/7 so this these channels are just run all day
long right I mean it could be any of these shows you want to watch 34 3924 with
a third Rock from the Sun seventh heaven alias let's go down little bit further
here to get through the A's we got Baywatch blossom CSI given just going
quickly through all these Defiance you can see all these shows that are loaded
up so you guys have a favorite show you just love to binge watch it you know
you don't care what season or episode it's on these ones will just play 24
hours a day so it could be season one today season seven tomorrow of you know
whatever show friends Fear Factor Family Guy so this is something cable just
doesn't offer right I mean you can't just go and click on a channel and watch
your favorite show 24/7 anyway that's there's so many there's over a thousand
again you guys have to take that trial and see if it's got what you need you
got your kids they got box sets you know just tons of good content there for
you they do have pay-per-view I think I mentioned that but they you have
pay-per-view sports that is available for you guys so let's look at the where
we want to go into our ESPN's and our plus is there so anytime you have a ESPN
you'll have your ESPN twos threes and then you got all your other extras here
that they may put a channel on if you're in a small region you got small
football team you want to fall that could be on one of these ESPN pluses so
you'll be able to watch pretty much any channel any sports event that they're
putting it on as you can see there's your PS Penn College extras all your
ESPN's are there for it very similar with the Fox Sports stuff and NBC you get
all your regional stuff there the you may have a regional game on you wanna
watch your favorite sports team on that's not on a major network but it's on
your Florida or in Indianapolis or Kansas or Ohio you get the point you'll be
the find that channel there for again that's usually an add-on when you're
going with cable or satellite all right I think you got the point with those
let's look at quickly you know we'll go through CBS networks here so depending
on where you're out in the country you should be able to find your local they
have 155 in CBS definitely one of the larger locals there for just that
category and that's just CBS but you can see they've got to Greensboro Hartford
Houston Kansas City Los Angeles Miami we'll skip down a little bit further here
Phoenix Pittsburgh Sacramento San Diego Seattle st. Louis Tampa so we're not
just talking to you know one in each state we're talking there's a few
different regions obviously the huge city Madison Jacksonville Milwaukee
Phoenix Detroit Houston Cincinnati Chicago Harrisburg Charlotte st. Louis got a
few more of these here's Roland we're further Milwaukee Miami Cleveland you get
the point guys there's just a ton of them here good chance you're going to find
it let's go to Fox networks same concept here Atlanta Belmont Buffalo Cleveland
Dallas Denver Green Bay
Houston Kansas City Milwaukee Nashville Orlando Seattle
Tampa Chicago Charlotte anyway guys just a ton of them for you guys to find
your locals they're a great feature so they happen to pull out the digital
antenna you've got it there so alright I think we've seen enough of the
channels that are available here you guys can kind of get a good look here take
that trial take that test and see if it's got what you're looking for my guess
is you will find it you'll find it for a great price let's go in and actually
talk our pricing now and how to get the trials all right so here we are on the
website in the link in the description for you on where to go get this you guys
can check out the website do a bit of research yourself before you're ready to
purchase but right there you can see they offer 12 hour trial can at least get
a feel for the channels that are working for it so take that 12 hour trial
really get into it check the channels and make sure it's got what you need
there for us so they have options if you want to see the entire package you can
pay a couple bucks for I'll show you that here in just a second but they do
offer something for free so go check it out why choose them HD sports your
compatibility this is gonna work basically on any device you've got a mag box you
know if you have a mag box dream link same thing Android web TV you know Cody
it's gonna work on pretty much anything you want now you know you've got apps
that work on iOS on Android on PC so you should be even even some smart TVs
will work so a great support you can see down the bottom they've got it right
there they're online if you guys want to ask them a question reach out to them
directly asking that question chat with them Monday through Friday for that so
if it's on the weekend it won't be there but they'll answer emails as they come
in so 24/7 access to their support cases so service stability they put these on
great servers guys they make sure that they got the best service out there to
avoid any kind of buffering issues obviously you've got to have good internet
to run this on but they do the best they can to provide the best service so it
runs fast for you video on demand again that's available for an additional
purchase but they have it there if you want it so let's talk pricing let's go
in and do that so let me just go back up here to the top here let's click on
the trial and then we'll go into the pricing so when we want to get into the
trials here you can see the first one in I apologize the screens kind of not
pulling these in the greatest but right there's your free one is it says this
is the lite version it's gonna give you two connections for 12 hours it doesn't
have any pay-per-view events it doesn't have the league passes your sports
passage and no specialty sports so it's basically just your entertainment stuff
your stuff you have a basic cable - sports easy remember that K that is
absolutely free the next one over here to the side it's a it's the basic
streamlined package which you would buy for four connections which would
include your sports but no pay-per-views now that's on all your trials k
they're not gonna give you a pay-per-view on trial so you couldn't come here
and say oh I'm gonna get a trial and go watch the major fight tomorrow night
it's not gonna work that way alright so there is that one's gonna be your basic
package so they have a lite version and a base package we'll call it take
either one of those we're not into sports you'll take that first one alright so
if you want to have 24 hours you're gonna have to spend three dollars for that
or you can just take that 12 hours for free you can see that option here so
three bucks gives you 24 hours if you want a 48 hour package you will come in
here and you can actually spend five bucks together for 48 hours but guys the
pricing is so good on these you can actually just get the service for a few
bucks more let me show you that here let's go to our little three bars here you
can see the store we'll click on that now here's where you can spell these
options here for you now obviously got a little bit more research to find which
one's gonna be best for you the one you're going to want to look for most
likely it's going to be that second one down after you've taken that trial the
invasion paid subscription streamlined username m3u that'll get you the app I
was using alright so then they've got your mag box again you know if you got
that you're paid for the combo so if you have a couple Android boxes and the
mag box you'll want to get that combo package k cuz I'll let you have say three
Android boxes and one mag box make sense alright and if you only want sports
they have an option for that too the only one video on demand you can get that
okay lots options there let's just click on this first one here so they got the
lite version we talked about right that's just your entertainment no major
sports stuff there no specialty sports that's gonna run you ten dollars per
month okay if you want everything it's 20 bucks per month okay great deal cuz
you look at it's for connections for the 20 bucks or it's only 2 connections
for $10 so roughly $5 per connection to have this again depending on what you
need if you don't want sports it's 10 bucks if you need everything 20 bucks
it's still that $5 connection so depending on your budget what you want to
spend what you need 10 to 20 dollars is a great price in there absolutely still
of what you're getting compared to what you pay for cable or satellite I think
you can see the savings with that so they have some three month options here
guys if you're looking for that you can check those out here that plus combo is
telling you about you get a mag deal a mag box versus the Android boxes or
whatever you have there's the bundle deal therefore so again there's so many
options here you'll just need take a few more minutes to to really see what's
gonna work best for you but just remember there is that light plan there's the
standard one and then the timeframe you go with so but anywhere from 10 to 20
dollars a month if you're looking for sports or not you know I definitely would
say 20 bucks a month for connections full home entertainment replace your cable
or satellite for that you'll have a great service and a great option there so
go check out the link in the description like I said you'll be able to find the
service and take those trials if you got it and then when you're ready go ahead
and purchase 20 bucks is a good deal for for connections one of the better
prices out there on the web so appreciate
I would like to try it for 12 hours free