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lounka.com product category iptv

lounka.com product category iptv

twelve some up to you know twenty five bucks but most of the services out there you know I can mention eternal alien streams I'd be a team inch and Cody solutions but you know there was quite a few out there that were a five dollar service and there were some seven dollars from twelve you know gears we'll think 18th time nitro was about twenty bucks so you know the pricing was a little bit lower where have I seen it going out guys it's going up that's what's kind of Concerned me the most now is that there is a monthly cost it's increasing you know now it's more like ten dollars per you know single device yes you can get some five dollar services there's still some great services out there but the trend is going upward the cost is increasing k1 connections about ten dollars on average eyes look at these likes that daily guys look at tonnes of services all the time you know ten to fifteen dollars if they're about twenty or thirty or maybe getting two or three connections so it's still roughly about ten dollars of connection but again what does your monthly cost it's gonna be twenty you know bucks for that if you found a great five dollar service or eight dollar service or a twelve dollar service good for you keep that pricing secured right okay so cost is going up why is it going up supply versus demand okay so you know when it first started out it wasn't a big need for it people were just trying to make some few bucks hey I'm a reseller nobody knows about this you know so I can I'm only 

gonna charge five bucks and I'll you know get some customers and be happy well as this is grown the demand is more well what happens when we have demand people have to spend a little bit more money for it right more people are in the game now like I said there was five or six services out there that were the big boys you know there's obviously more but those were kind of the big boys out there so now there's hundreds I mean I like said you can go back to my channel look at all my videos guys you'll see hundreds of different services maybe not hundreds but close to a hundred I've got over 300 videos there that I've done tons and tons of reviews you know a couple duplicates here in there but for the most part I try to do a new one every single day or some updates when they have them but the demand now is so much more coming from the customer side and the reseller side there's more resource in the game now there used to only be like said of five or six services out there that was it so now that our demand is in more need people are cutting the cord getting rid of their expensive cable or satellite the pricing is going okay is it going to go the other way around I don't I don't see it anytime soon because more people are trying to save money they want to get more channels at a better price they want to get those sports a cable that movies pay-per-view but you want to man all that okay so it's not going to get any better my opinion it's just gonna keep gradually going up for that so keep that in mind that as the demand becomes more the cost is going to go up okay competition I kind of mentioned that already there's a huge competition out there guys who's that who's you know I have a reseller I marry some this and and I have a service and you should try my service and I'm the best and you're the best and you know who is how do we find that there's more competition out there there's not just the five big boys you know now there's you know 60 services and-and-and 30 those you know are reselling you know other services out there so how do we find the best one well you have to find the best one by doing some trials obviously you have to find the best support the best channels out there you know hopefully the ones work best for you avoid any kind of buffering there's tons of competition which helps helps keep the price down because if there's only one they would obviously charge a little bit money but there's more competition now than there ever was okay keep 
lounka.com product category iptv
lounka.com product category iptv

that in mind so what can we do about this what can we do to get our pricing down or secure okay this is a pretty simple answer here guys but obviously you can negotiate right you can go and say hey I don't spend 20 bucks can you give me a deal and yes some services will obviously they're trying to make money they can look at that and say if I keep this guy around yeah I had to cut him five bucks but now I'm still gonna make you know fifteen bucks instead of 20 for the next six months he sticks with me so you can talk to your providers and you know see what they've got to offer sometimes I offer promos which is great kind of hang out of those promote promos find them follow on facebook follow on their discord or their telegram they'll offer those trials there though after those promos that's what you can do about it but probably the biggest thing is is hand them your cash right make the purchase secure your price now that's probably the most important portion I want to mention now guys if you find the service that's gonna work for you and it's working good for you secure that price and get in there because it happens all the time I see it all the time these reviews phones like hey I'm selling my service for seven bucks next time they come around in a few weeks in hey and raising my cost because this is - you know it's costing me too much money to do support if they're a reseller they're asking to buy credits from some provider which they may raise the cost so secure your price and hopefully they keep it there long term as you're paying for it so that's the easiest thing right hand over your money okay but here's a little funny thing here yeah if you could just give me a yes or no answer that'd be great now what does that mean it means there's a lot like I said trial chasers it's hard for you guys as a consumer to trying to find the one and say Who am I gonna dedicate my money to am I gonna spend this you know ten fifteen twenty dollars $30 a month to this guy here or am I gonna pay this guy over here so you've got to really find it and it is it is a hard decision to say which one of these is it but make that decision and hopefully stick with it again trial and error comes but you know these resellers out there are obviously working hard to try to get you as a customer - they provide the best products they can you know but again pricing will stay lower if we can secure our money secure a product right away instead of doing a lot of back-and-forth trials things like that all that is admin work which obviously means the hourly rate needs to go up which that's right their cost goes up okay I think that makes sense to you make a decision and go with it okay so expectations that's also changed a little bit okay guys we're almost done here but I just want explain a couple more things our expectations with IPTV when I was looking for it my first time I'm like hey I just want to find basically what I've got and hopefully I get all my you know major channels and I'm good well then I found IBT and I was like oh my gosh I'm getting sports I'm getting movies I'm getting more channels than I ever had I'm getting all these regional things and a few locals here but my mind was blown away no idea all this was available through IPTV cable I was excited to get it and I thought well you know I understand it's internet and I said I know there might be a little bit of buffering here there so I expected that Kay but I was you know I've been pretty happy with the services that I used you know buffering was hardly an issue because I make sure of my devices are clean and make sure have good internet and make sure I'm you know doing my weekly maintenance guys go back and watch my how to avoid IPTV buffering if you've not you can make sure you're getting the best results there but our expectations right this is not perfect this is not cable is going to have issues so keep that in mind when you're making your decisions on stuff don't think you're gonna get you know they're not selling you the moon here guys this is a replacement that's not perfect but it is usually better than what you had okay hope that makes sense my expectations were literally just the basics and I got was blown away with what I got there so all right guys to wrap this up the basics is I think the price is gonna keep going up the channels you know you don't get much better than you have but they're growing you know more video on demand more paper views they're getting better sections so that sometimes are giving you two or three options on one channel a high def a low def you know 1080p 720p all your sports worldwide services there's so many more offerings and each services having to make it 

better and better how are they doing that by offering you better support groups by offering you you know 24/7 support phone support you know some people can do live installs you know if you're in the area of where they live things like that so cost is gonna go up like I said secure your price now find the best service for you stick with it I you know net don't sit here and jump ship every every month go to different service it's just costing you money in in the long run it's gonna be rough for you so obviously if you can't find the service to first try come back the next day and you know you try another one go with another one so I like I said I provide as many videos as I can if you guys find the best one hopefully the trials are available but as I said I feel that's kind of going away keep that in mind that you want to make sure you find one take it and you know secure that business quick and you don't hopefully be happy with that so hope this helped you guys out I wanted to just show you guys that I think that you know we've got to make sure that we're getting the best product for us cost is gonna go up just like anything right it's inflation it's it's supply versus demand all that's important and the trend is going up I don't see it dropping anytime soon you know the service it's not gonna get a $2.00 service it's not I'm never gonna happen guys there's too much you know behind the scenes that you don't see with having to run websites and servers and merchant accounts and and fees that come with it right PayPal or merchant accounts or you know paying for credits when you have to buy these as a reseller there's so much cost involved that that's just getting more expensive because of that supply and demand so cost is going up be ready for that you know you're not gonna be able to find a lot of services you know for five bucks of connection there there are a few yes they're great services but again be prepared for cost to go up so I would expect to see the trends keep going up and up and up just as Cable has right used to get picked lounka.com product category iptva before 25 30 bucks a month now it's 150 so and you know I didn't get in what IPTV can provide so anyway hold this up now guys and hopefully didn't I'm one too much for you but appreciate all your support here again hit that subscribe button if you're not let me know what you think of where pricings going or maybe what you've started at and what you've seen it go to it or maybe I'm just full of it on this so guys have a good one take care bye

 lounka.com product category iptv


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