VPS Services That Cost Less Than Google, AWS, and Azure?
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VPS Services That Cost Less Than Google, AWS, and Azure? |
contacted me and my answer is always the same to them is hey do you have VPS services and if you do have VPS services I want to actually use your services before recommending to my viewers so some of them have been pretty gracious and giving me login information so I can go ahead and do a lot of extensive testing and out of the four or five from March there's only one that made it through that I'm actually going to showcase in this video because the others I thought were trash and I don't want to actually come out and say negative things about other hosting providers that are VPS services but I wanted to show the things you should be looking for so you can spot them so you don't get ripped off when trying to go away from the big three that pretty much owned the VPS space go ahead I'm gonna go ahead and cut over here just know this is a hundred percent discounted for me I am not getting any affiliate revenue the actual referral link down below is simply that if you don't want to use it that is okay I don't benefit from it you can type in the website directly that I'll be using it doesn't matter so with that let's go ahead and cut over the desktop I'm going to show you a comparison from Google cloud platform which I've been using for years for my website Chris Titus com and then also do a comparison for something I've been running for about the past month is set up a minecraft server and I've been doing a lot of testing such as other projects that's going on in the channel on this service using sky silk is the services that actually contact me and let me these servers to kind of try out and tinker with and then I got to see a lot of the sample building as well which I'll show you that so you can see what a full price would be like 50% discount which i think is what they're offering right now and just kind of see that way you can make an informed decision please note when doing this there's a couple aspects that I'm gonna point out that I want you to keep an ear out for first one is what generation the CPU is gonna be if it's an old like five or six generation CPU it should be very cheap their entry level should only be a couple bucks and if it's not and it's like five or six years old on the architecture you're probably getting a reseller that's actually going through like the Google cloud platform Azure AWS and they're just reselling that so I see a lot of resellers in the space so definitely keep an eye out for that and then also check out the newer versions which should be double or triple the price of the cheaper architecture which sky silk offers both levels of that that's why I kind of really like them because they're very forward and saying hey if you want the older cheaper
architecture we have that it's about five six years old and that architecture runs at a very cheap price I think their lowest price plans two dollars and even the more beefy servers where you get several CPUs are like ten or twenty bucks a month which is a heck of a deal and then you got the newer hardware which is what I'm actually been using for my minecraft server and also some of the other projects that haven't quite come out on the channel but will this upcoming nut month let's go ahead and jump on the desktop and I can actually show you the numbers show you what you're actually getting for your money so before I just jump right into pricing I wanted to show my Google cloud platform real fast this I've had running for years and years probably been hosting a website on for about three to four years now and I run a multitude of different tasks from this different monitoring services on top of my website but it is a dedicated one CPU four gigs of memory on a Intel Haswell platform that's very important the Haswell portion of this that means it's the third gen intel pricing when it comes to VPS or the virtual private server space is very very dependent on what version that servers running so this server is about five years old sitting in the data center so it has a good bit of usage but just know that when you're doing VPS is typically it's a bank of usually at the very earliest three year old servers and at the very latest maybe five six years old servers and just to give you an idea of what you're looking at when doing VPS pricing so that's what I'm doing and as a baseline let me show you my invoices in March I was looking at about twenty seven dollars for this instance and is not exactly the most brokedown thing in the world as you see right here you can see all these different charges to make up that twenty seven dollars sustained usage discounts and all these other factors come to play but for just a one CPU four gig with moderate usage anticipate to pay around twenty five bucks on a Google cloud platform so let's go ahead and go to April just to get that same baseline as you see it's twenty six and about the same kind of usages are happening so this is Google cloud platform I wanted to use it as the baseline for today's video so let's go ahead and switch over to sky SIL which I've actually been contacted from them they were looking at maybe doing a possible sponsorship and I was like hey I don't know your service let me use your servers which honestly I love tinkering I love seeing new services I love trying all this stuff out so even though they're not the sponsor of the channel or the sponsor of this video I still love just stuff for free just to test out and just say hey is this any good or not and that's kind of what I wanted to do here so let's go ahead and flip over to them so sky silk is interesting that it actually breaks it down into two sections there's like a silver section and then like a gold tier section so on this section it uses I think second gen processor so step down just slightly from our Google cloud platform however look at the pricing the pricing is literally cut in half from the Google cloud platform which is awesome because I've actually verified all these prices over the past month I'm on not on this platform I actually on the gold tier upper class portion but on this one I can see that the one CPU four gigs of ram would run about ten bucks a month and actually right now you can get locked in at 50% at ten bucks a month with two CPUs and double the memory so obviously this right here is probably the best deal going on for monthly payments that's pretty powerful that's almost a little too good to be true that's pretty awesome however you got to remember it is older hardware it is running six year old hardware so just one year older than the Google cloud platform but at more than half the price you can't really beat that deal however I wasn't testing this one I wanted to test the more recent hardware so this is the Broadwell and epic chip line so this is only a couple years old so this is brand new and as you see it is still competing directly with Google cloud platform in this realm you can actually beat it with these deals and I've actually run a server completely on this so let's go ahead and pull up my pricing now I am obviously had all this discounted out but just know that the discount would be 50% if you went with the small tier which I'm about to show so it may show $50 a month on your bill and then it would be cut in half to $25 a month on the discounting however is much more clear Google cloud platform so this right here is the actual sky silk instance I ran for pretty much a solid month not quite as you saw on the Google cloud which I'll pull it back up it ran for 740 hours at about 23 49 if you look here this one ran at about 600 hours and this obviously has a 100% discount just because I was trying it out however this is the small tier so this would be discounted 50% for you so this would come out to roughly $22 so right in the same payment actually of Google cloud platform however look what what I'm getting instead of what Google is giving me because Google remember they're giving me the has well one CPU four gigs of memory and I'm gonna flip over to the small instance here and you can see that the small is giving me two CPUs eight gigs of memory so literally double everything and I'm also getting newer architecture so this is a much better deal than what Google cloud platform is giving me that's pretty incredible as far as this sky points and stuff I imagine if you're a longtime customer you can get like it's like a rewards program that they do I didn't look too much into that as I'm not really eligible for it so I didn't bother really doing anything with that front but I just wanted to do apples to apples here as close as I can and from the look of this it's really kind of cool and the actual layout a sky silk I can do a lot of really neat things as far as direct SSH and they give me a little more controllability of that however with that you are more in control of security where Google really tightens and ratchets down the security out of the box where sky so pretty much you have free run of the server so a little difference of setup there for a new big Google cloud platform I think offers a little bit more security out of the gate because everything's ratcheted down for an advanced user like myself I hate that because there's a lot of things that can't do like if I was running like an SMTP server I would never use Google cloud platform because they block a lot of mail traffic just to cut down on spam where a service like sky soap would be perfect for that and having direct SSH access and other things for sky silk is just fantastic okay so as far as what it looks like on a dashboard here at sky so this is what I have I went ahead and push this up this month to a medium server just because I was doing minecraft and some other things which is actually coming up in a new video about web min and some other functionality where I wanted to just go ahead and remotely administer the server so with this this is what you get at the very front of sky silk server the medium setup for dedicated CPUs 12 gigs of ram 20 gigs of nvme space this is pretty awesome and nvm ease triple redundant is what they said as well so pretty incredible you get nice historical graphs you can choose last hour 30 days so let's go ahead and just do all time just so we can see oh we got here we go this is when I booted the server up in April and I did the Minecraft video for this one I think around the beginning of this month around the middle of May you can kind of see as I've kept the server running and everything it's just interest has kind of died over time on the minecraft Lord of the Rings server but this I think of the peak here I had about 10 15 users using it I was prepared to go up to 99 concurrent users however we didn't get that many people because minecraft a bit of an older game and there wasn't that much interest but RAM usage you can kind of see I would think I was using in a small instance right here and as I modified and added a lot of things to the minecraft server and had a lot of things actually populating in the world I went ahead and pushed it up the medium just so I could push it up to just a ridiculous number which I probably don't need so I'll probably go back through and downgrade this server at some point in time and this is just usage over time now you can see as well when I did this and we did the public minecraft server which was Minecraft Chris Titus comm you can see the space the disk space it's using is actually growing and as people are in the environment and using it you can see the growth rate is roughly about a gig almost almost 10 gigs a week actually so I probably should go through and do some housekeeping here because at that rate I'm gonna probably run out of space here in about you know 3 or 4 months but you can see the network traffic as well ingress in e grass and then you got your transfer how much it's actually been transferring in and out so you can see the net out has actually been pretty substantial and holding around 5 gigs over this past week which is pretty insane that we get that much usage but overall a nice little dashboard heads up everything's so simplistic they have clickable SSH so you're not really worried too much about that and you can also just use your terminal to SSH directly into it however if you do open up SSH completely to the outside world I always recommend creating a tar pit and your IP tables this makes it to where if someone does a brute-force attack on your server it will only respond about one time every second or two this makes brute force almost impossible especially if you're using a complex you know 12 character alphanumerical nonsensical password which obviously is what you use on a server like this any forward facing VPS server needs to be secure so obviously SSH anytime you open it up secure it down tar pit is essential if you don't know what that is definitely look it up and if you don't know let me know in the comment section and I'll probably make a future video directly over that well there you have it I hope this breaks down some of the VPS stuff like I said choose which one you're comfortable with I haven't transitioned over to like sky Civ because right now it's kind of a sweet deal for me I'm still paying the twenty-five dollars a month on Google cloud platform for my website but I think I will actually transition in maybe about four or five months I really like to break these things in and give them a lot of longevity just to see what happens with them and if obviously something happens with sky silk I'll definitely come back and update this video but so far they've been rock-solid Google cloud platform has also been rock-solid as far as reliability goes I haven't found any of them that are bad in that department almost all of them guarantee like 99.9% uptime and all of them are pretty true to the word in this regard that's why I like VPS servers because when you get in there a lot of times you just set it up and let it go for twenty dollars a month I can't even run a computer here at the house for that and that's why I do that and I want my website to be up all the time if I have an internet outage if I have a power outage I could be down for a day or two and I don't want my website being offline for that time so that's why I don't host it here at the house that's why I use VPS services and heck they're so cheap there's no reason not to it's just finding the right one and that's kind of what this video is about but let me know what your thoughts are in the comment section down below and I'll see you on the next video