you're gonna get a drink you're gonna answer the door you could hit pause take care of what you need to come back and continue your favorite show live TV with the appalls ability absolutely free and guys if you have just a few minutes I'm gonna walk you through step by step everything that it is that you're gonna need to know so that you two can have this amazing application installed on your device okay so enough talking let me show you how to install it [Music] okay so you're ready to start installing that amazing app that I just showed you but I'm not going to show you just how you can install one application I'm going to show you how you have the opportunity to install many of the
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most popular applications available that's right you're gonna have the opportunity to not only get the live TV app that you came here for but you're also going to have those apps that you can watch free movies free TV shows live sports pay-per-view and much more and the process it couldn't be more easy the first thing that we're going to need to do is change just a couple settings right on our Amazon fire device itself and the way that we do that is right up at the top of your screen all you need to do is push over until you're in the settings tab once there come all the way over until you see something called my fire TV let's go ahead and open that together now right here you're gonna notice the second option that you have is called developer options let's go ahead and click on that now by default both of these items are turned off we simply need to click that center button on a remote and you'll see I turn the first one born and now when I try to click on apps from unknown sources I will have an additional pop-up just click the word turn on and guys just like that both are turned on and that has all the settings that you need to do on the device itself so now we can hit the home button on our remote it takes us right back to where we started so the next thing that we're going to need to do is look in the Amazon App Store for a particular app so the easiest way to do that is to push left right into that magnifying glass this allows you to type out whatever app it is that you're looking for today we're
looking for the downloader app I'll throw that on the screen as I spell it now guys like only made it to the oh and it's already appeared on the list there's no reason to continue typing all you need to do is simply highlight the word downloader and click on it it's gonna take you right to the Amazon store directly to this bright orange app that's the app that we're looking for so we can go ahead and click on that now it's going to give you the ability to download this one to your device you simply kind of click the center button and the download process begins it's gonna finish him stalling and when it does you'll be ready to open it alright so we're gonna click it open now in order for this application to work the way that it needs to we need to hit the word allow or write it so click that center button click that center button one more time to dismiss the pop-up and guys welcome to the downloaderapplication this app allows you to go along the internet to almost any website it is that you're looking for if you pay attention right here on your screen this little orange blinking cursor that is you simply click that center button on your remote it's gonna bring up a keypad so that then you can continue to type out that address into wherever along the internet it is that you're going I'm going to take us to a particular website today so that we can install a wonderful application I'm gonna go ahead and throw that on the screen right now as I type it all right so please check your spelling and make sure that you had get dot file linked com once you do go ahead and hit the word go and the download process begins automatically and it is super fast so once the downloads finished it's going to ask you to install the application simply highlight and click on the word install within seconds this app will be installed on your device and right here all we need to do is slide over and click on the word that says open give it just a second and guys here is the file linked application now just a couple seconds ago you were that orange blinking cursor if you notice right here you are a blue blinking cursor at this time and again all we need to do is click that center button on our remote and this time that's going to bring up a numerical keypad so we can enter our special eight digit code now I'm gonna give you my personal eight digit code so that you guys can have the very best applications available I'm going to throw that code on the screen for you alright guys so once you have that code entered just click on the word next now you are already highlighted on the word continue just click that center button one more time alright guys and if you notice right here says please stop this Thor is for my subscribers only you
know it's taken me a lot of hard work and many many hours to put this store together but even more so to make sure that it has the most up-to-date applications from my viewers now all I ask in return is that you're kind enough to take a half of a second to either click the big red picture in the corner of your screen or that big red button right below this video that tells me thank you for all of my hard work now once you are a subscriber all you need to do is click that center button on your remote one time that pop-up will disappear give your system just a couple more seconds the creators of this application have a pop up of their own right here just click left and on dismiss and that pop-up will disappear alright guys so welcome to the store I have so many wonderful applications giving you guys free movies free TV shows live sports pay-per-view and much more let me show you exactly what it is that I'm talking about and how my store works so right here you are already highlighted on the ipvanish VPN all you need to do is click that center button on your remote one time you'll notice this blue bar fly across your screen when it reaches the end you'll get a little pop-up and you'll also notice that the down arrow has become a play button that lets you know that the download process has finished but we must click it one more time and go through the installation process just click
install right there in just a couple of seconds the world's best VPN will be installed on your device right there and at the bottom we want to make sure that we hit the word done alright by hitting done it takes you right back into my stores and then can download even more applications we're gonna push down on remote one time and we're gonna highlight the MX player pro we're gonna click our center button and again that blue bar is gonna fly across your screen when it reaches the end you'll get the pop-up click it again click install in just a few seconds this app will be installed on your device and we're gonna hit done and go right back into the store just like that guys you've already installed two applications in a matter of seconds so today we're looking for one app in particular but guys there's so many great ones along the way so today we are looking for the brand new Oreo TV just highlight Oreo TV click that center button on your remote again the blue bar flies across the screen you get the pop-up click it install it wait a couple seconds and just like that this app has been installed on your device all right we're gonna click done we're gonna go back into the store because guys while you're here there's so many great applications for you to try out offering so much more than just the live television that we came here for so please feel free to browse to the store check out some other apps download whatever it is that you want and when you're all finished downloading those apps all you need to do is click the home button on your remote because now that we have all of those amazing apps I want to show you how to get to them all you need to do is simply hold down the home button on your remote for a couple of seconds this screen here will appear click right there where it says apps and this is going to bring up every application that you have on your device simply scroll to the bottom of the screen and you'll notice that the very last application is the last app that we've installed on the device so right here it is Oreo TV what we're going to do is we're gonna highlight TV and we're gonna click on the button that has those three little dashes right above fast-forward on your remote that's your options key so we want to hit options and when you do you'll notice that little pop up in the corner we want to push it down and click on the word that says move to front and you'll notice it brought it all the way to the top of my screen I'm gonna move just a couple more so we're gonna come down here I wanna highlight this app right there we're gonna hit options we're gonna hit move to front and again we're gonna do that with this one we're gonna hit options and we're gonna hit move to front now guys please feel free to move these applications and whichever order works best for you but I just want to show you what moving these apps to the top of the list does for your device so go ahead and click that home button on your remote it's going to bring us right back to the home screen where we started from so all you need to do now is push down on your remote a couple of
times until you're in your apps and channels right here and here are all of the applications in the order that I put them now right here is our VPN but this little weird cloverleaf I want to let you know that is my store that's how you're gonna go and try out new apps get updates to popular apps and all that kind of stuff is right here I would just want to make sure you know how to get back to the store so that you can enjoy even more all right right there's that brand new Oreo TV application that we just installed but you might have downloaded some very popular apps why you work in my store just like the ones that you see here but before I open up any of these applications I always turn my VPN on first so let's go ahead and open up our VPN now right here is going to ask you for your username your password if you don't have one don't worry is super easy to get one I'm gonna leave a link right here on the screen but even more importantly down below right below this videos just scroll down and click that link I'm offering my viewers an extreme discount on the ipvanish VPN all you need to do is click the link pick out the plan that works best for you they will send you your very own
username and password immediately all you do is enter that information right here I'm going to enter mine and I'll see you in just a second alright guys - welcome to the ipvanish VPN now really quickly before we hit the word connect I want to change just a couple settings put right on your remote until you highlight that gear icon in the corner go ahead and click on the gear it's gonna bring up this menu as you notice I'm already highlighted right where you're says start ipvanish if I click that center button on my remote I'll put a checkmark next to it just like that we also want to come down to the word scramble and click our center button again and put a checkmark next to that so now that both of those items have a checkmark all we need to do is click the back button on the remote and now we can connect to our VPN so go ahead and click the word connect now you might have this additional pop-up just click the word ok and in just a couple seconds I'm gonna be connected to the world's best VPN keeping me 100% safe while enjoying all of my favorite entertainment absolutely free there you go all I need to do now is click on the home button it's going to bring me back to the home screen and now I can go and open any of those amazing applications I got from my store but today we're gonna open up Oreo TV now guys this app has been around a little while but honestly before I didn't like this app at all but this update that they have done to this app makes it true amazing let me show you
what it is I'm talking about now right here on the home screen there's really not much going on not much that would interest you but let me show you the interesting part right here we're gonna click where it says live TV guys there are thousands of channels from around the world right here within these icons most of them only work in India or there in an Indian language or in many other different languages but this one right here the unicorn TV I am absolutely blown away by this guys let's go ahead and click on unicorn TV now honestly my only critique with this app is that it's in backwards alphabetical order which is a little weird but that's my only complaint I have tried almost every one of these channels and they work amazingly well and amazingly fast you know you could just click on one of them and you see how quickly that works okay I can go click on another one and you see how fast it just pops up okay you can just go and pick any one that you want and it just pops up and it just works immediately I am truly impressed on how quick this reacts and how many channels that you have to choose from now guys there are many major sporting events like the Super Bowl the World Series other big huge events and they're all being broadcast on Fox so if that's something that you're interested in this has Fox available right here crystal clear and immediate alright so guys please give this app a shot try it out let me know and what you think about this application down in the comments but guys while you're down commenting down below oh my god this app is so amazing I want to know how many of my videos have you seen is this the very first video of mine have you seen a hundred videos of mine I would love to know how long you've been watching my challenge and how many of these wonderful videos have you followed now guys if you haven't done so already what are you waiting for hit the subscribe button hit the like button so that it helps out with that YouTube
algorithm so that more people get an opportunity to watch this video so that they too can enjoy these amazing channels absolutely free but guys did I mention that not only do all of these channels work lightning fast but it also gives you the ability to pause live TV while you go make yourself a drink while you go use the restroom while you go take care of something else and then you can come back and hit play I am completely blown away by this app please I would love to hear from you down below telling me what your thoughts are and guys go tell a friend about this video go tell a co-worker go tell somebody else that they too can enjoy this as much as you are and as much as I am alright guys well I thank you so much for spending your time to watch this video and I look forward to seeing you again real soon in the next one