2 Must Have APK Stores For Your Amazon Fire Stick And Android Devices!
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2 Must Have APK Stores For Your Amazon Fire Stick And Android Devices! |
grief to be honest so these two apps will be just very simple to use and give you a lot of options for apps and I've been using these for a long time again if you're new to the channel new to the apps this is definitely something that's going to be a must for you so I'll just show you right away how to install them because you'll want these and then I'll show you also how they work very simply so what if you're using an Amazon fire TV fire stick so for the first time if you haven't done this already you just want to make sure you have apps from unknown sources on just allow you to download these third-party apps that's your first step so just from the home screen I'll demonstrate my fire TV so you just go right over to settings then go down might be called something different in your device usually beside accessibility is my fire stick my fire TV device and software so you click there and you're
2 Must Have APK Stores For Your Amazon Fire Stick And Android Devices!
looking for developer options so here you can just go right down to apps from unknown sources you can turn that on you'll get a warning that's okay you can turn it on then you're all done with that you just have to set it once now you can press the home screen and then over to the Amazon App Store in the search and you can start typing in downloader only have to put any use you a couple characters there it is and this is a free app on the Amazon App Store that lets you download and install these third-party apps so looks just like that once you have that installed then you can go into the app and this just for simplicity I'll show you to get them on my website in the description of the video also include the official links for the apps but just for today's video just I'll show you just very simply to get them from my site that's updated daily these ups are updated daily so either option is good just to get the apps from so here my website is KP fire tv.com so once you have that put in you can press go if you want to add it to a favorite just to go to it frequently it's updated all the time and just make sure you do this once to make sure you have JavaScript on or enabled just to make sure the page renders properly and then this is the site so you can looks a little bit zoomed in you can press the rewind button to zoom it out press it a couple times and then right at the top is Android stores so there's a peak a time so for a peak a time we just simply click it to point to is the latest file latest version these are very small files five Meg's won't take up a lot of room definitely a good option to have these awesome stores on your devices and this will come up so you just go right over to installed that will just take a few seconds and it can click done and we're all done with that install file so we can delete it and then just confirm delete again then we can get the second one so if you're using like a set a touch device like an Android phone or tablet you can use that version which was that just updated
today or we're gonna get for this purpose that up toy TV version it's only time you using a remote Android TV Android box far stick far to be you want the TV version again pretty small file 9.6 Meg's and you can simply use your remote you don't need most toggle it'll be very easy to navigate with the TV version and again this is going to come up so you can click on install and again that's done so we can click done now we can delete that temporary file again just to keep your space nice and free and if you want to get any other apps you're definitely welcome to look through the site there's a lot of good apks there all are free some are ad free a lot of different versions of movie TV show apps players for apps etc and if you are looking for the file link version so if you don't have file link you can use that store as well to access my apps so you can use my website or the file linked if you don't have it already you can just go right here to file linked and I'll give you my code and password that's another alternative to just using the website method so some prefer filing some prefer the website
2 Must Have APK Stores For Your Amazon Fire Stick And Android Devices!
most recent so they're there on the bottom and if you want to bring them to the top you just press your menu button and you can click move to the front and again we can do the same thing for aptoide TV move to the front and they're just easier to find next time so now we can press the home button and then they're right there it's time to go into aptoide TV so this version on my website is doesn't have any login or anything so you don't to do anything just to get into the app you just have to allow if it asks for access just if you do download something that's going to access to your storage so you can allow that and it's going to just give you all the options here so you can click on discover different categories these are the apps that I have installed there's a community if you want to upload your own apps if your developer it's a great option and these generally are safe so if you're looking for a safe site where you don't get trojans or viruses aptoide goes to their apps and they're very diligent with that so that's a good feature and here you can also search so if you're looking for something like let's say VLC you want VLC player for your apps and this is just for the remote for Alexa you can record audio so you can click on allow if you want to use on feature and here you just simply type in let's say VLC and it's going to give you all the apps named VLC and if you find VLC this is what I always check you just want to make sure you have the latest version so just go to other versions because here it says 1.99 I know that's not the newest version so we go there and here you can see 1.99 was updated April 22nd 2017 so definitely don't want that one that's the old one here you can see this one 3 to 7 was updated Saturday so you just click on that so if that's what you want to install it'll give you the install you can click on that that's going to download there it gives you the stats about it so it's 25.1 Megson size it's been downloaded 3 million times there's a version and there's the dev so it's nice information and it's a trusted app so it's been scanned you know if to worry about viruses or anything like that it's a safe app that's gonna bring up the Amazon installer here so we can go over to install so very easy ok then we can again click done so installation finished and now if you do let's say use
VLC for some time and there's a newer version once you search here again you can actually see that it's gonna say update then you can update it so here it's gonna say any updates then you can just click here my apps you can click right there and we can update it so so always give you the newest version so I accidentally installed 1.99 my mistake so now we're gonna get the latest version so actually shows you that you can update your apps very easily with this app up toyed apk time which I'll show you in just a moment that one doesn't do that same feature so you always have to kind of stay on top of them so here again we install this will give you the latest version okay and done and now you can see once I go back now under my apps there's nothing to update everything's up to date now I like to just browse the discover sometimes you'll see something that you haven't heard of before you just want to try so if you want to use to be puffin TV is a great browser etc it just goes on and on perfect players a great one to put in your m3u playlists mob drill was a great one for live TV there's a speed test which is handy so it just gives you a nice popular apps that you can just try if you like if you don't like them you can always install them this one also gives you games so you're into categories you can go to different demos entertainment shopping everything's free on the site so you can definitely go on browse stuff a lot of things for different categories so lots and lots apps without doing so that's a great one so definitely check it out and for EPK time this one's been one of my favorites for years that I've been using awesome app really simple this is I would say updated daily as well so you've got a search feature up there or you can always just check these two which are new updates or top apk so this is what they feel are just worthwhile ATK's that you can download so really cool so cinema cyber flakes I would agree live in that TV is great for live TV Bob Dorough ttv Typhoon and if you want something downloaded you just click download and again just want to access to download so you can allow that you just have to do once and no ads on this site except for right here on the bottom which isn't an intrusive at all so it's going to download gives you the percentage here tells you the size
fourteen point seven Meg's and the date it was updated and the version so it's really nice and simple then there you just do install same thing just like aptoide same thing with Amazon App Store they'll install the same way with this installer okay then you can click done and you can keep browsing so you can go back so new updates will give you anything that's updated in the last probably two or three days you can go through there you can see the latest aptoide this one often gives you modded versions or add free versions of apps you can check this out especially for that your AF is ad free there it's an unlocked version ad free modded so it's a nice site just to look through those and it's a trusted app I find I would still scan the apps with virustotal like I always do but I find it's a really
good site for just combing through and making sure there's not too many ones with malware or trojans and you can also just go to categories so if you want animation they can go through their entertainment apps fire devices free VPNs gaming and there's Kodi and then for phones or tablets music players and browsers sports tools and there's also a XXX section and this one the pin is 6969 if you want to go into there so just put in that pin that'll give you the access to the adult section there you can get different apps there as well so great up so those two I would say should be a must for
your Amazon first stick or fart TV and if you are using these sorry for the video but I'm just want to make sure that you guys are covered for all these excellent apps so if you're new to the fire stick you just spot one or fire to be welcome to these two apps because they're just awesome so if you guys do like the video you can please smash that like button you can also subscribe if you haven't I'd really appreciate it just want to grow this channel and also you can hit the notification bell besides subscribe just get notified when I have a new video also you can check out my social media which is Twitter and Instagram thanks again for watching guys have a great rest of the day take care