fire stick performance alright guys real quick before I get to the video do me a huge favor if you like the content that you're seeing just hit that thumbs up down below gives me an idea of what you guys like to see which videos you like to see also comment down below let me know what country you're from I'm just curious to see what country you guys are from that are watching this video it also helps you me provide more information catered towards my audience so if you're in the United States I'll be more united states-based if we have a lot of Canadian I'll do more Canadian because I know some of them the streaming can be a little different without a VPN so make sure you do that guys just comment down below let me know what country you're from also if you want to find out anything
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about the fire stick that you're curious about comment down below I'd be happy to answer your questions thanks again for watching guys and let's get to it one of the number-one comments that I get on my videos is its buffering it's freezing it's choppy during playback well let's talk about why that is so the number one reason why that is on your fire stake is probably because of the streamer choosing and I actually bring all the latest streams that are the most reliable every single week so if you're new to my channel and you watched a video from say a month or two ago it might be outdated so if you're having some issues that may be just common with that site ads could be on the videos there could be too many people on them and it bogs the website down that it's streaming from so dome a favor guys hit that notification bell right down below that way you're notified when I have my videos it's real important that you do that because I don't want you to watch a two-month-old video and then say it doesn't work I'm bringing some really good ones from the NBA to guys so you don't want to mess that if you like NBA action it's a completely new site it's really catered to the NBA so once again hit that notification belt I'm sorry for that I just wanted to let you guys know about that it's very important so I want to make sure that you guys have the best information in front of you so let's talk about the stream so if you don't have the latest and greatest stream that's gonna be probably your biggest issue the second issue is going to be what quite frankly you just need to make sure your fire stick is updated with the latest updates and you may not even know that you need an update on your fire stick but you do because if you don't hear me let me just show you what I'm talking about really quick if you don't have the latest update your fire stick just bogs down the same with your phone is
the same with any device that you have you always need the latest update so let's look at right now let's see which one is the latest and how to find out if you have the latest just go to settings go over to my fire TV go to about then you're gonna go you're gonna see all of this here go down to check for updates so this is my current version and I last checked it today just so you can kind of get an idea here so there it is right there that's the latest but yours might say last checked a year ago two years ago three years ago well of course it's gonna bog down of course it's gonna freeze some apps won't work you need to make sure you have the latest version all you have to do is click check for updates and it will look for that it says you're up to date if it's not up to date we'll say update and you just go down click on it update it and you should see a vast improvement on your fire state this is really
important if you haven't had the fire stick for over a year the last year they've only done a couple updates but if you haven't done it in the last year probably going to have some issues and that might be your problem altogether the second thing is your storage so I talked about this on one of my other videos and it's really important to understand that with any device let's say you have a phone or a laptop or anything like that if it's close to being full it can't process properly so you need to make sure that it's not full so let's look at that as well go ahead the exact same spot Maya Fire TV right here and about and you're gonna see the capacity you want to have at least one gig available so the 4k sticks actually have I believe it's 8 gig so you have a little bit more space you can put more apps on there the standard one like what I have in just the cheapo one is only like I think six I think there's even four gig one so the older ones but uh but yeah so two two gig about you really one gig is all you need to have if you can have one gig available storage then that's what you want to do in the way that you can get rid of programs really quick is just fit hold down your home button the home button is thisone that looks like a little home and if you can see that but just hold it down for three seconds go to your apps which are right here it'll pull up go ahead and click on your apps and once you've clicked on the apps in just a second here they'll all pull up all of your apps just go down here and find one that you don't use now if they're in the cloud it really doesn't matter but let's say for example you did not like pretty much need all these but you know what I'm gonna get rid of Bolling just to show you how it works so if you click on the three dashes right here the three it's three lines right here it's really what it is it's on the right hand side of the home button just click make sure it's highlighted over click on that and it will move right here and go down to uninstall that's all you have to do now it's moved in into the cloud it's no longer on your device so go ahead and hit the home button go to settings and let's see if that made any difference at all you might have all kinds of programs on there you don't use it you don't even need that are just bogging down your fire stick so go back to my fire TV to go to about storage see now I've gained a little bit not a lot but a little bit and you really want to have at least a gig like I said if you're under a gig you're probably having issues and that could be your
problem so make sure it's up to date make sure you have some internal space make sure you're using the latest stream which I bring to you every single week those are probably three of the big things with the firestick internet connection is something that's really big unfortunately I can't do a whole lot about that but what I can do is I can bring you streams that perhaps have a little bit lower grade but won't buffer it'll just keep playing and playing and playing without having the freezing if you have those other things already set up on your fire stake I hope this helps you guys out I just want to do a quick video just to let you know about the update because a lot of people who weren't aware of that
so storage space update your fire stick oh yeah one more thing before I let you go make sure this is just a silly thing but it's so important that I hope you understand how important this is you need to let your fire stick rest they get hot they heat up if it's running constantly like you just turn your TV off but your fire sticks still going on guys and you go in the other room you go to bed you get up the next day you play it and it's just choppy and for and not working properly it's because you didn't let your fire stick rest you've got to turn it off guys it's real simple again just hold down the home button for three seconds sleep you gotta put it to sleep guys I really hope this helps you guys out I just wanted to do this really quick video I just want to share with you all the things that you can do with your fire stick and how you can improve your fire stick performance and really unlock the potential of your Amazon fire stick I hope you enjoyed the video hit that thumbs up if you liked the video I got some more videos coming so make sure you get that notification Bowl as well thanks again guys
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