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gonna be very similar to what I'm showing you today this application has the ability for you to watch live TV and movies from all over the world and the most important thing is that it's it's it's awesome I mean the streams are fantastic so rather than me telling you about it let me show it to you let's go into the act you go into Ola TV and you click on that and as it populates as again it's very similar to the old to the old version 7.0 however there are some nice things first of all as I mentioned there are no ads you don't have to sit through a 15-second ad which I feel is much better and then as you can see there are an amazing amount of different categories that you can pick from from sports to movies and then of course you get into different types of channels from different countries you've got Asia let's
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scroll down you've got Brazil you've got Canada you've got a whole bunch of Canadian China even imagine that Czech Czechoslovakia France Germany Greece India and then you started getting into Latino and then as you scroll down a little more you'll notice that you'll star getting into the english-speaking ones so you got UK and of course United States now the most important thing that you need to remember is that there is a new player that you need to download it's called Lou do player I believe they took away the VLC player and they included the luteal player the thing that I noticed is that all of the the streams that are on Lou do player are extremely clean and I also noticed that all of the the channels or I should say categories that have Lou do player are the ones that are not a square app it's a circle app so just a little tidbit of information for you to take ok so again you've got UK channels and then you start getting into the u.s. channels and this again is where it really gets cool so as I scroll
down we'll go to the USA here as it populates there's all different kinds of channels you've got MLB you've got ESPN sports of course all these other channels here I'm not going to show you all of them and I'll just scroll through and you could take a look at them as I'm talking to you again you even have local channels and some channels that are actually on TV you know over-the-air TV I'll go to a different one this one has all premier league so when the soccer games are playing you can actually watch the soccer games NBC sports alright so it's kind of interesting there's no rhyme or reason with
this app what you need to do is actually just go through and experiment and play with it and you'll notice what what channels are on here the other thing I noticed is that sometimes a category is there one day and it's gone the next day so you have to start over but I'm gonna show you why it's worth it so let me back out of here I'm gonna go to one that I that I went to before that I know works really well I haven't checked them all but I checked this one that's this one right here USA Joel if I click on that as you can see you've got local channels from all over the country and then it starts getting into the regular cable channels if you've got discovery Bravo II lifetime CNN so let's go to a um let's go to a channel let's click on here we go how about discovery we'll try the Discovery Channel and see if that works hopefully it'll work guys I don't know we shall see there it is it's working working working all right now it's kind of hard for you guys to see the quality of this image but it is crystal clear it is I would say it's 1080p so you're able to watch live cable channels for zero and that is what I like about it the fact that there are no costs associated with this I'm gonna back out of this let's go to a different channel let's try um National Geographic right down here I don't know if these channels workhopefully they will working working no it didn't work all right big deal all right let's go to NatGeo mundo that's a Spanish version that one didn't work either again folks that's the price you pay for live I'm sorry for free TV let's try CNBC see if that one works see if we see the little there knows good alright so you know it works I'm gonna show you how to download this in a little bit let's get out of this particular app and go into another one we'll try this one over here and and it looks like these are like sports channels B in sports Fox Sports NHL Network let's try being as you guys know I am a huge soccer fan so let's go ahead and try it try B in sports see if it works again I don't know that one did not work let's try Fox Sports that one didn't work either maybe the whole app is not working let's try a different app see you can guys it's a trial and error you just have to check alright this one I guess when the tiles load maybe that means that it works your guess is as good as mine I'm working through this as well let's see nope that didn't work either there we go one second guys twelve seconds later I don't know who that was it doesn't matter as you can see this one works so that's a good thing all right so let's try a different channel let's try the Cartoon Network see if that works that one did not work let's try bravo Bravo worked so again some channels work and some don't but the whole idea though is that you've got like 150 different different categories that you can use you're definitely going to find what you want to watch that's what I like about this the fact that you've got so much variety you're not limited to one or two different streams you've got all of these different streams that you can pick now let's take a look at let's go ahead and take a look and see if we can see something in the movie section I didn't take a look at that yet and again I'm going through this just like you are so let's see we've got Iron Man Incredible Hulk Iron Man 2 Avengers I mean these are all you know top-notch movies let's try guardians of the galaxy see if that works and I have a feeling that did not work all right let's try a different one that one didn't work either let's try this one different app and see all right so the tiles came on this so that could have probably all mean that it's gonna work we'll see there you go it loaded that was quick - and these are one-click loads as well which i think is kind of neat let's see a different movie John wick again guys I haven't checked this I'm going through this with you as well that one didn't work let's try the different one there goes I don't know what language that is but I'm watching the movie for free that's all that matters so let's try this one a dogs way home I don't know what kind of movie that is I just saw the little puppy it looked kind of cute and that one is working as well so again let's get out of this particular app let's go to premium world TV again I don't know what we're doing here we're gonna try it world stable channel's the USA local channels let's try that alright so I'm back where I started back here at USA local TV they didn't work real well so I wouldn't recommend you use that particular category let's try sports these are sports from all different kinds of countries Real Madrid TV all sports I don't have even heard a half of these Fox Sports News let's try that one at least I know that let's see if it works we shall see yeah it worked and that looks pretty good and the in the organic picture quality is super clean and that's what I like about it alright folks let's go ahead and show you how to download this application now I think I've done enough to explain I probably explain more than I needed to of course the first thing you need to do is go to file link so I'm gonna go ahead and click on my apps here and go to file link so let's do that together we will go to file linked now when you get to file link if you if you're familiar with my channel you know that I use the page from stream and tech now his number is five one eight two nine nine eight six it's five one eight two nine nine eight six again streaming tech now if you don't subscribe to his channel you should he has a lot of great reviews and a lot of good information and you should take advantage of it so I'm gonna click on where it says continue a pop-up will show click dismiss and you'll see another pop-up here in a second and we'll wait for that to come there it is and I'll click that dismiss again and what are we gonna do guys is I'm gonna go into this search engine I'm gonna click where it says search files I'm gonna write in the words Ola o el a that should be enough for me to get to where I gotta go you click on next and there it is Ola TV pro original 8 and that's the one that you download that's the only version that he has and that's the one that you download ok so again in closing I know I sort of rambled a little bit I was just so excited with this app I wanted to show it to you I think that the Ola TV version 8 is is just as good as 7 you have to make sure you install the luteal player in in in exchange for the VLC player it seems to me that they decided to use that as well when you first download the it'll tell you to download the luteal player and then you can go to your Play Store and download that other than that I would of course ask you if you don't mind we would appreciate it if you can go ahead and subscribe hit that subscribe button below give me a thumbs up and check the notification and of course I would love to hear from you leave any comments that you want good bad or otherwise I prefer good of course but let me know how you think I'm doing I am over 200 subscribers now that is unbelievable I can't believe it it's amazing to me that I starting from starting this as a hobby and it's turning into something pretty cool so again I thank you so much for watching this video like share subscribe and as I always say at the end of all of my videos live long and prosper and take care