hey everyone welcome back to my channel if you're looking for on demand TV shows TV shows that you might have missed I have a solution for you and I'm going to show you how to do it right now hey guys are you looking for an option for live TV well this is an option for you guys this is an on-demand TV service alright it is completely free and I wanted to bring it to you guys it's a fantastic option for those of you that might mess your life TV shows or you're having troubles with your![]() |
channel or your app that you are using this is a great solution for you guys and the cool thing about this say you're on the west coast if a TV show is playing on the East Coast as well three hours ahead you can watch the show before it's even here on the west coast it's just an option guys I wanted to share this with you as a solution to some of those that might miss like TV or don't have a DVR solution this is a great solution for you so let me show you what it is how to get around it and then we'll get into how you can get it on your fire stick so here it is right here here's the program if you go over here you can search between different types so you can go by on the air right now airing today top rated DVD releases so forth and so forth all the way down to genre so if you wanted to go what's on the air right now these are what's on right now if you want to go what is a DVD release so an
entire season that's been put on DVD you've got that right there it always shows the most recent and then documentaries you can go through your documentary channels as well there's tons and tons and tons of different documentaries and then if you head over here to the column you can actually do movies as well we're not gonna be talking about the movies today we're gonna be talking about the TV but you can use this app for movies as well so this one is called cinema HD you want the latest version so I'm gonna show you how you can get it on your fire stick right now alright guys so if you're on your home screen as you can see right here I am on my home screen what you're gonna want to do is make sure your Joe your fire stick is jailbroken I've covered this on all my videos but I just want to make sure because I have a lot of new view on my videos at times that aren't able to find that jailbreak video all you need to do is go to your my fire TV in your settings section and you just
need to go to developer options and turn both of these on the default out of the box will be off just turn those on simple easy thing to do once you've done that going at the home button on your remote once you hit the home button you're gonna want to head over to the search bar and you're gonna want to type in down loader so just hit do and then you can scroll down on your remote ticket to download or go ahead and click that install that on your fire stick once you've jailbroken your fire stick you'll be able to put the downloader on it once you have the downloader on it then that's where we will start alright so go ahead and go to your download her and you're gonna want to head right over here to the URL and you're gonna put this in just like this all right there you go guys it's Troy point calm /the cinema that's all you need to put in and then go ahead and hit go it'll start the installation process we already have it on our fire stick obviously so we're going to go ahead and just accept the newinstallation you'll be doing a brand new installation on yours if you don't already have this so you're gonna want to head on down to the bottom and then you're gonna go ahead and click install alright guys so you've done the installation process all you need to do is open it up so let's go and open it up and see what it's all about alright and your home screen will come on here you can just go to the column here you can go between TV shows movies and then you have your history of what you've watched and then you can save your favorites as well so let's go ahead and look at the TV shows once again we'll just go to the top it will scroll through the different categories so if you're a big fan of soap operas you can go soap and it has all of the most popular soap operas on here on demand all episodes let's just do dynasty for example our family used to watch dynasty when I was younger you can see every single episode here of dynasty all the way back to 1981 so let's look at the premiere episode the very first episode if you click on it you'll add all the episodes up here at the top so you'll just scroll through and pick an episode let's pick one at random let's do episode 10 alright go ahead and head down right here and just hit the play button just like that and typically when you do this you have a couple choices you can go up here and set yours to autoplay I don't like to do that and the reason why is because sometimes certain streams are faster than other streams and I always look for those there's a couple you want to look out for one of them is called flick sanity if you have flick sanity that's the one you always want to pick another thing I look at is the megabytes so how large is it and the quality of it so let's say for example I get in this and I want to play the 720 but it is buffering for whatever reason it's buffering I might lower it down to a 480 if I'm trying a 1080p or a 4k one and it's buffering all lower to a 720 just gives me options so I don't pick the autoplay alright so here's the smallest one it does say it's high-quality let's just go down to that one and try it I'm going to go ahead and open it up but I'm also gonna put something over the screen because I don't want to get any kind of a
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https://webdevelopmentcompany2016.blogspot.com/2020/02/web-development-company.htmlcopyright rules and regulations at YouTube you can't actually play videos so I'm not gonna do that but I will go ahead and show you how it does work go ahead and hit the play button on it takes a few seconds and once it connects it should play the image just fine alright guys there you go it is up it's running quality is pretty good I would say this one's probably it says 780 when I first clicked on it but I don't think it quite is that I'd say it's a low it's getting better and the longer you play it the better it gets alright guys this is it right here I'm not gonna play too much of it I just wanted to show it to you let's click another stream let's just pick another show any one would work I just want to show you that multiples work let's go and pick a different category how about let's look at Netflix stuff here so just click Netflix just like that and let's just pick stranger things and will randomly pick season two and we'll go with an episode I don't know how about three alright again I just go down one selected select one click on that and then it should show options again I don't pick the autoplay I let it go ahead and list it out so that I can choose the one that I want alright so vid locks is pretty good if it has an arrow like this right here that means you can actually download it if you choose to do so so I see a flick saniti one right down here it's going so many different streams on here so you want to search down for it yeah it's not even one of the top ones anymore so yeah just go ahead and pick one let's just pick let's just pick this one right here and go ahead and play it alright and it looks like it's playing up just fine so I'll go ahead and back out of that I don't want to get a strike on that one as well but I just wanted to show this to you guys this is an option for TV I love it I love the way it's organized how you can pick specific categories just like this as well as the most popular shows and there's tons on here some of them will have syriza's that haven't quite happened yet for example put card right here has a couple episodes but if you click on it just like this you'll notice all the Epis are listed but there's dates on them so if you go the second one this was on January 30th the third one aired on the 6th just today and then this one is on the 13th so this won't actually be on here yet so if you were to click on it it won't find any links but they are already pre-loaded because they're prepared for it I
wanted to show this to you guys I hope you enjoyed the video this is an option to your live TV and your DVR wishes you can't get best of both worlds guys if without paying for a service you probably are gonna have some sort of issues here there but this is a fantastic option if you have some sort of an issue with this app go ahead and comment down below let me know what your issue is probably something very simple something that I can help you with just say I need help this is the problem if you say something like it doesn't work I probably am NOT gonna spend the time to help you but if you say what your problem is and ask for help I'd be happy to help you guys I hope you enjoyed the video give it a thumbs up if you liked the video don't forget to comment down below any questions you might have or any other video apps just like this one that you might like thanks give for watching my video don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell I do updates like this all the time thanks again guy