hey guys welcome back to my channel so I have found an alternative for Oreo if you're new to my channel was the first video you've seen this is a fantastic program that you're gonna want on your Amazon fire stick if you've watched my other videos and you have Oreo TV it is down formaintenance they are going to be updating the app I don't know how long that's going to take so I want to give you a solution right now this is a closest that I found let me just show it to a little bit and then I'm gonna show you how you can get it so this is the screen it looks like this is the u.s. channel here as you can see all the countries are right here so when you first load up this program its I'm
gonna go back just to show you what it looks like so it looks just like this which is very very similar to how Oreo looked like alright so it has the sport live sports what's going on right now in sports right at the top here and then it's got Explorer categories where you can do specific categories and then if you scroll down you're gonna have each country right here so we're gonna focus today on the US and we may even touch a little bit on the UK so if you head over here and make sure this is gray if you go down and they go back up this gets gray go ahead and click on that and you're gonna get to the screen that I want to share with you today now every function on this video every single one of these blocks may not work it's a free service I understand that hopefully you understand that as well that's what I liked about unicorn is everyone work just about and this one here there's gonna be some that don't work there's not a lot I can do about that just find the ones that you do like this is a temporary
solution to those of you that use Oreo if you haven't watched the Oreo video guys check that out it's a great channel it will be back up and running soon but this is a solution as well it's called HD streams and as you can see here a couple cool things about it so here's all the u.s. channels in alphabetical order and you can scroll down and you can see all of the channels there is not a guide on here that's not even an option so don't ask that question I have other videos on IP TVs that do have guides if you haven't watched those check those out and but you can go down here and you can see all the channels it offers it's pretty much the same lineup as unicorn offered pretty much the same ones with a few extra bonuses there's a few more channels on here alright one cool thing about this app that the unicorn and the Oreo did not have guys is this right here if you can actually change the quality based on your speed of your internet so if you have a slower internet you'd want to go quality medium and high quality at categories if you head over to categories here well let's just do hi if you go over to categories you can actually specify I only want to watch a sports channel so you can see all the sports channels in the United States now if you're on this screen and you want to see what's available maybe on the UK there sometimes they have some channels that play pay-per-view events that the u.s. does not have you can actually scroll right over here and highlight down to the UK click on that and they'll have all new sports channels just scroll back over and you can scroll down and see all of their![]() |
channels as well there's a lot more to this I'll get into this in the video just want to show you a quick preview now let me show you how you can get it on your firestick [Music] alright guys before I get into this video and show you how to get this great app I want to make sure that every one of my subscribers is protected guys it's very important that you are protected a VPN a virtual private network will do that I will go ahead and put a link in the upper corner to a private video on how you can get the best VPN in the market that video will be launching shortly but I want to give you a sneak peak of it it's in the upper corner right now check that video out guys make sure you have a VPN before you install anything and or watch anything on your fire stick alright alright so let's get this program it's called HD streams on your Amazon fire stick what do you need to do first thing you need to do is make sure that your fire stick is unlocked it's very important guys some people refer to it as jailbreaking your fire stick I'll put a link up here in the corner on how to do that if you haven't already done that second thing you're gonna need is the downloader app if you're a subscriber of mine you already have this obviously but if you're new and you are is the first video you've ever seen in mine
you're gonna want the downloader app it looks just like this right here to get the downloader up is very easy once you've jailbroken your fire stick you're gonna head up to the corner here and you're gonna go to the make the little search engine right here and you're gonna type in download or just like this alright right there okay downloader once you click on that you'll be able to download it really easy it's built into your fire stick you just have to download it it looks just like this right here alright I just want to talk real quick this is for the fire stick if you have a fire cube or a fire TV there's one additional step you're gonna need to do guys you're gonna need to go to settings after you've downloaded downloader you'll need to go back to settings and you're going to need to jailbreak or unlock your downloader in the same exact spot so watch my sideload apps on your Amazon fire cube watch that video if you have a cute if you have a stick you don't have to do this extra step but you do want to cube I just wanted to cover that because a few people have cubes and have said that it's not working and it does work you just need to do one more step so watch our video on the fire cube side look you just click our name click videos it's got a whole bunch of them on there just scroll for the
side load cube alright so we're gonna get right back into this guys real quick let's go to downloader and let's put this code in right here to get the app and then I'll go a little bit more to the app and open a couple channels up alright guys so this is the URL you're gonna want to go you go to right here and you're gonna type this one and right just like this alright guys so this is the address right here it is fire stick tricks calm /hd s it will work it works fantastic and I'm gonna show you how it works right now guys if for some reason it says unknown error or check URL that means you typed it in wrong don't comment on my comments double check that first and if it's not working we can work with that but this is what it is right here this is the code you want to put in go to go just like that and it will automatically download that's the beauty of the downloader app alright it's only seven point seven megabytes so it shouldn't take too long to download once you've downloaded it right here you're going to head on down here and go ahead and click install alright and once you get to the app
installed you can go ahead and go and open it up and let's check it out let's see what it's all about we'll get it a little bit more to it we'll go ahead and open a few channels and see if it is something that you want on your fire stick alright the top of the screen on the main screen you can see this is the TV this is the radio this is the on-demand movies and this is the favorites let me just show you how the favorites work because I know a lot of you only watch certain channels and the cool thing about this let's just say that some of the channels aren't working some of the channels are working and you find the ones that do work I'm going to show you how to go ahead and save them to your favorites so let's go ahead and do that really quick so here's the sports that are going on right now scroll on down to the United States right here ok so now we're on the United States and you click more and let's just say let's open up a channel really fast here we'll just open up let's just open up ABC really fast alright so you're gonna pick your player so let's go ahead and pick HD streams let's just pick up the one that comes with it you don't have to add anything else just the one that comes with it I'm gonna go and put something over the screen as you can see it doesn't look like that's actually a really really good image here but I don't want to show it on camera for copyright reasons so I it's on here it's working good
they're talking about looks like the president or something so we're gonna go ahead and go back out and we want to save this one as our favorites okay so all you need to do there's a circle button right in the middle of your remote go ahead and hold it down for 3 seconds and it will do this and say add to favorites click add to favorites so now let's just do one more so you could see let's just pick one how about you want the big let's go CNN three seconds add to favorites so now I'd added two to favorites go ahead and go back so every time you open up your HD streams app it's gonna come up just like this now all you need to do is just go over here to the heart click on it and it's got your channels that you like so you can save all of the good channels in here just makes it a lot easier for you so that you can go and move around a little bit easier and find the channels just that you like not all this other stuff that you have to go through alright so let's go down to the UK and let's check out these channels okay alright so in the yuki channels you'll actually notice that there are quite a bit more channels on here than there is the US and you can scroll through them just like this just like you do in the other channel and you can see all that's available on here as well if you want to save one of these let's just say for example you want to do MTV classic you can actually save these as well so it doesn't just have to be all US channels in your favorites you can also do one of these so let's go ahead and do it again hold it three seconds add to favorites so now I have three things in my favorites and I go down and I've got other countries as well if you go over here that you can go to directly so let's click on
France and we'll have the French channels here as well if you go down to Serbia if you're from Serbia you can click on that and it's got the Serbian channels right here so as you can see guys there's a lot to this channel it is easy to maneuver around just a quick disclaimer guys not all the channels are going to work that's just the nature of a free site if you want to use an app that's gonna work every time you might consider YouTube TV I have a video on that as well just cost some money either paid P type II TVs like for example sling TV as well will work a little bit better and then something like this but this is a free option for you wanted to bring this to you guys before I let you go I want to ask is there another one that you like that you use and you can share it with the rest of our subscribers comment this is a comment section down below hope you enjoyed the video guys give it a thumbs up if you liked it and don't forget to go and subscribe to our channel and click on notifications as we do updates all the time they see you guys bye