they're gonna shit yourself after this one alright here we fucking go I'm a bum Bing Bing Bing the best one click Cody add on wit 4k plus live TV in movies and dealers need i say more alright guys let's check it out go in here but mom bum Bing Bing Bing if you haven't subscribed yet make sure you subscribe today would be a good day to do sell movies let's start up to twelve or work our way down they also have two shows in here but I wanna sleep this one's more for the movies British TV shows yeah yeah yeah live TV live TV is amazing in this form we're gonna go over that as well letaddons en francais
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me start at the 12th we'll work our way down movies go in here bum bum bang bang alright yeah so you can watch your trailers they got thousands of trailers in their movie trailers if you want to decide before you watch the movie I'm gonna start with movies 2019 so I can show you the ones that are actually MD there's there's a long list thing that's gonna populate let it do its thing there you go men in black I believe that one's still adidas now if a movie is still indeed this guy's and it's only indeed us it's not gonna be HD it's gonna be like a cam person you know I'll just in case you don't know little heads-up for you the rest of them right cuz they're all mixed in here all 2019 but you don't know
which ones are indeed us which ones one they didn't categorize that didn't count categorize it like that like an stuttering Stanley over yeah but just so you know that's how the cookie crumbles boom bum Bing Bing try that one one click water play HD for you so that one it's probably not no longer indeed it we get out of here close that down all right now let me show you the lineup there's a lot of stuff in here it's a lot of stuff in here a lot of good stuff this is definitely one you're gonna want to add to your arsenal attic install a tea arsenal if you want the best of the best and I only bring you the best I only sell you the best it's all I because otherwise it ain't worth talking about this is one click auto play and there's a lot of 4k in here as well so let's talk about that in one second I just want to show you what's in here in case you're looking for something particular that's Brynn speaking new in 2019 the rest you can check out yourself back out of here mom bum Bing Bing now the regular movies category that's gonna be a little bit different give it five seconds five four three two one it's a long listing they don't have pages they're getting a nice long listing so I'm gonna bill someone about this one though all right here we go my intimate is fucking horrible today nice listening beautiful exhale wasn't talking about JLo but now that I'm looking well buddy next one um um they maintain what do you want to go all the movies in gear so I'll swing drum real quick as you can see there's hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds the list schools are wanting on anyone whatever you want to do get out of here they're a movie club I'm gonna check that one oh let him pull it out and do its thing bum bum bang bang now for you and probably a lot quicker a my Internet's horrible today that's why the listing on the last section took longer and so many movies are actually inside the listing all right guys all right so this is a category of a Mitch do movies once we're inside this section let's get out of here that's the movie club section British movies I ain't going to go in there all right I don't speak British 4k boys what's going here bum bum Bing Bing yeah buddy you're gonna love this wait till you see this line up man let me stop the fucking talk I love this is this why I did the video for Kenny all day all year everything in 4k guys 4k one click wanna play so you ain't sitting around like an asshole clicking link 1 let me try it link to looking in work link 3 nah fuck that shit 4k all day one click wanna play what do you want to do ya see telling him don't forget to subscribe if you haven't already and smack the thumbs up if you like the 4k stuff and all that couldn't this wait until you see the live TV I'm about to show you're gonna shit yourself now these older movies are obviously upskilled cuz it wasn't 4k back back in a day when predator came out ok in 1987 2019 right here you know it's a mixture of what they can produce her convert to 4k and when it came out in 4k nice go check them
out let me get out of here I just want to show you and keep showing you but I don't want to talk to your off either just trying to help you back out of there all right thanks the movies I didn't even know there was a lineup the size of the gangster movie line up in here you know all right here we go there's a good amount in here Brock still right there American Gangster morning Clyde I saw watch that never seen it 90% of these I've never seen Goodfellas everybody seen that one tremendous get out of here some water in there real debris are you real the brick fanatics hey you got bum bum bing bang they'll love it family movies Christmas movies Disney for the kids this is amazing horror thriller war movies here you go world movie set to all different countries that's basically it all different countries some USA but they got everything Mitch to Chinese movies Spanish movies to all that shit 3d movies what's going here Saturday here's an oldie but a goodie when the first chemo barely had
anything in it now it's got a huge lineup so that's why I'm showing it off today here we go yeah 3d movies man all day all year kids gonna love it it's not just King movies either so something in here for everybody there you go bum bum bang bang fantastic that's the 3d section between a grill the 3d section terrible movies this one I get a kick out of right here terrible movies how they getting even put that in there I don't know who wants it if they're terrible but that's what they did on mom Bing Bing terrible movies let me just show you what's in here ball preference really yeah it might be some shit in here you like who knows no idea a bum bang bang fuck out it in here's your block sets let's see what's in there small listing so being known for the box sets and they're not known for what I say the 3d movies right but they have some in there mostly you want the 4k you want the movies data still indeed this and you want get out of here once live to be right there foam let me show you the lineup they're gonna love this shit it works it works but here's the kicker it's all MSD but it works alright you got free life to me but it's an SD it works though so these are the Spanish channels French channels Italian channels UK channels USA channels okay and that's just one category if you want to go to all
USA channels a month we'll just go right there so you can see the lineup is 90% of yeah I'm from the USA the hell happened they had a huge listed in here yesterday you got to be shitting me so now I got to go through it are you so you got to go through every category that probably fixing the lineup right now is update but they're all right here okay let's see if they still work I'll try one I hate getting flagged by fucking Fox they always flagged me but I'll try that one fill them ballsy today bum bum Bing Bing um the fuck out of the it real quick all right you see they load up new section that's gonna be ran in there just hit the up-arrow if you're looking for USA there you go is your news you get all the news all the news you want okay pretty nice that's your free TV for you sports section new section music section if they got like em to be in here yeah be et all that shit let me go up on USA right there but whatever pretty cool for a free life to be that kind of hit movies hey usually I start to talk work my way down the wonderful opposite today don't ask yeah we're gone HBO's in here Showtime yeah stars alright alright all the stars you want to see I'll show you stars all the stars you want to see boom bum bang bang it's some stars for you give it five four three two one let it do its thing lose that one down my bad try another one it'll load up you know how I know cuz right here in the top right side of the screen if you did this little thing where show LA the play button back out of here kids section try them out for yourself and let me know in the comment section below after you tried it what do you think I think you're gonna love it I really do there we go I'm bumping Bank so as you can see there's a lot of channels in here kids covered everybody's covered in there's many different countries food section bubble blah if I was willing ah to take a bet I would bet that by the time you added install this one this is nice showing you line up as I'm trying to speak here then bTW right there Amy Beach one and you already seem some M to be that was willing to take a bed I would bet that out by the time you add install this one they'll have all the us HT nose categories in here you just see yesterday it must be I'm doing maintenance you know what I mean alright let's get out of here so make sure you check it out alright and you've seen the 4k right did I show you that got to section for the kids playboy bubble blah everything in here they should have a password for that though but they don't that's about it yeah now how do you how do you install let's get the fuck out of here let me stop talking your fucking ear off I like to go a little in-depth oh you know so you see what you gain you don't want to just add and install anything go to system add one since abrino come over here go down here check that off that way you can install what I'm add-ons you like that kind of here once go
to the left and go up by oh man until my mom bing bang gags sauce if you're green new you simply talk about be away shit since I already got it right over here is where I'm going to see HTTP type it in exactly how you see it don't miss a letter don't miss a beat HTTP colon forward slash forward slash step toes place one word together pause the video if you gotta dotnet forward slash free fall down here don't matter whether you fall as long as equality simply fall mind what once the much you don't Kate when done boom bum Bingbing back out of here right over to your right one over a deluxe there you go like that bad Larry install from zip files block monstermunch yeah one repository it's all you're gonna do hit Anna I four three two one top right hand corner Adil an updated install from repository come in here step those repo ugly motherfucker all right here we go you Dennis you wanna video albums idea first one pop one once the lunch and dinner I'm over here all the way to the right hit installed mine says uninstall but that's cuz I already got what do you know I'm bummed big bang this joy or gold tteok on me here we get the fuck out of here let me know what you guys think about this one of the comment section below this Joe and I gotta go take care coming here and I'm outta here don't forget to subscribe and I'll see you on the next one well done