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Free Cable Tv Watch Premium Cable Guaranteed

Free Cable Tv Watch Premium Cable Guaranteed

stop paying cable TV now we're going to show you how in this video my name is Melvin with Miracle Box media and we're going to talk about your TV it has been a thorn in your side for decades it is that expensive overpriced cable or satellite bill that comes to your house every single month without fail what makes things worse is that they're now forcing you to sign one into your contract it's ridiculous that you now have to sign a contract just to watch your own TV but they're doing it and what's even more irritating is that you can't have the channels that you want as a matter of fact what they do is they make you buy entire packages just to have one little channel so if you want a disney

Free Cable Tv Watch Premium Cable Guaranteed
Free Cable Tv Watch Premium Cable Guaranteed
Free Cable Tv Watch Premium Cable Guaranteed

channel you have to buy the entire kid's package if you want one little sports channel you have to buy the entire sports package so you end up paying for channels that you will never even watch to me that is a bunch of shenanigans now if you're sick and tired of dealing with the cable companies it is time for you to break the chains of cable and free your TV ladies and gentlemen it is my guarantee that in this video today I'm going to show you a 100% legitimate and legal way to watch anything you want to watch from any TV of your choice and you never have to pay cable one red cent to do it not to mention I'm going to show you a 100% legal and legitimate way to watch premium movies and

premium TV shows on demand free for life now I notice it's come in as a shock to you because most of you are used to paying the cable bill and you're used to paying for movies on top of your cable bill and not to mention we're going to also show you how to get sporting events pay-per-view and live TV for pennies on the dollar to what you pay now ladies and gentlemen for the last five years we have been helping people just like you to eliminate a bill and save thousands of dollars on TV entertainment and not have to worry about all of the shenanigans that are going wrong with the cable company I want you to imagine something imagine it the last year you didn't pay a cable bill for the entire year and you got to watch everything you wanted to watch how much money would you have in your pockets today if you did that well ladies and gentlemen stay tuned we're going to show you everything you need to get to do this and we're going to show it to you step-by-step and going forward if you watch this video you're going to be bringing thousands of dollars back into your household by being able to get this done so don't go anywhere if you never want to pay a cable bill again okay later we're about to go into my son's room and I'm going to hook him up with a fresh set up without cable so I'm going to meet you in here we're going to show you the demo always know we're going to do this as quickly as possible because I know in the next 30 days you may have

another cable coming in if we can actually relieve you of having to pay for cable then you don't have to keep it bill that's coming next we're going to make this as quick as possible now the first thing you should do if you haven't done it already is you can pull out your king bill you need to identify what is costing you the most are you paying a lot for HBO and stars or you're paying a lot for on-demand movies identify those things that you're paying a lot for because in this video you're going to see that you can either eliminate your bill altogether or you can actually reduce it to something that's more affordable because of what we're going to show you now at any point in time you see weight anything you like in this video you can actually call us or you can go to our website because a lot of these products are gonna come from our website and our website a number is going to be on the bottom part of this video so at any time you can call us or visit our website for more information and also at the end of this video you have an opportunity to get a discount code to be able to get what you need to eliminate your bill so next that your needs should be completely obvious you're going to actually need a TV that you plan on using now we're going to use this little thing for the small we're going to use a TV that has nothing hooked on it so you can see how easy this is for you to do so I got one right here let's just add well I have to plug them all already I want to turn it to the back this is a 40 X it has nothing hoop to it as you see no connections no nothing just a completely naked TV now after you have the TV you got me checked your bill you have a TV the next thing you want to need is you're going to need the Internet now you may want to retain your cable services just so you can get internet if you have cable a lot of you may have a gateway or something looks like this and you can either have a even a connection or laughi either one is you know okay but you're going to need an internet connection you can retain that from your cable company since you're reducing the cost of your CD anyway it might be cheaper now if you want to get rid of cable altogether then in some areas you can actually get what's called a hotspot let me show you that is this is a hotspot it actually produces a Wi-Fi Internet signal and this is through t-mobile for about 65 bucks a month I can get 25 megabytes and again all you need is about 15 megabytes minimum of NSP this runs about 25 so something like this would be perfect so you can either use a hotspot or you can use your cable company either way has a minimum of 15 megabytes of Internet if you can't get 15 megabytes of Internet I would not recommend even watching this video you need at least 15 now moving on one of the things you're going to want to do is you're going to want to have the opportunity to get your local channels now well most of you may not know is that you can pick up a lot of local channels on an HD antenna such as I have here this antenna is something that we sell on the website and this one is actually far better than a lot of the ones that you'll find on the market because this one has the ability to get HD signals and it has a 50-mile radius boost I mean it you can have it you can have the amp on this thing and you can get TV shows within 50 miles if you live near a broadcast antenna now if you live in the mountains some hair or way off you're probably one of those antennas that fit on a roof of your house or you might be something more powerful but if you're living in the city and you live near within 50 miles of a broadcast antenna and you don't have a lot of big obstructions in the way then an HD antenna like this would be perfect because they're going to allow you to get those local channels in high definition and some of those channels will be absolutely believed because you just pick the antenna you want to pick the channels and you can actually find out that you can cut your cable as far as the basic channels if you're able to get a clear signal so that's going to be another thing you're going to need now the next thing ladies and gentleman want to show you is something that is going to blow your mind you're going to need a streaming media center but not just any streaming media center you're going to need the most powerful streaming media center known to man ladies and gentlemen it is a device called the mirror box this thing is so dangerously powerful it can pretty much get you any movie of your choice when you plug this thing to your TV it's going to ignite your TV with movies TV shows sports things that cable will never give you your TV will be exploding with media content and guess what a lot of it is going to be absolutely for you to see things that you pay for on this thing for free you're going to be kicking yourself so you're going to need a miracle box and if you look at this this is a streaming media center it does hook up to your internet you can either use the ethernet cord or you can use last night and we do have a Wi-Fi antenna that goes on this so you're definitely going to want to get one of these and you can purchase these at our website as a matter of fact when you go to our website you may have an opportunity to get a discount code and if you subscribe to this channel when this video is over you may have an opportunity to get one of these in your home freeze but you definitely want this in your home so we're going to hook all this stuff up really quick and show you how easy it is to get this thing working so first of all we want to start with the antenna the antenna is pretty easy it looks like this this is one we sell on our website and it will allow you to get local channels it's pretty if it's pretty simple you can actually have a sticker right here you can stick it to a wall if you want to or any way you need to and you plugs in really easy all you got to do is do a channel scan and you'll be able to get a lot of channels so I'm going to do that really quick you have a coaxial in your TV every or a coaxial part you can plug in and this antenna this goes right here and they twist along pretty easy and all you have to do is a channel scan and you're good to go so what I'm going to do is I'm going to plug this in and channel scan it and then we're going to return once I have it all with them okay they might have this answer to screw it in here pretty tight and one things about this antenna is the amplifier can literally run off a USB so what you would do is you would actually take an amplifier and fire and you would plug it in here and what you can do is run it off of anything that has a USB so if you have a where is it here if you have a USB charger or like a cell phone I'm trying to find one here where is it in this video I can never find it I'll hear it off right here so if you have a charger like this you can plug into a wall then it will provide the boost or if you have the miracle box one screen we're going to plug that up next if you have a miracle box that can plug right into here as a power source to get the amplifier going now let's talk about the river box so how easy is the hook this thing up well other than some maybe two or three minutes of instructions it's pretty easy so we're going to show you how to do that here the river box does come with a remote it comes with a power forward and center and it comes with a hdmi cord and that's all you need and basically are going to screw this antenna on here pretty simple and it also has HDMI so we're going to need that so again in this negativity all we have the dancer so now I'm going to plug an HDMI cord in here and we are in HDMI three so let's remember that so when we get this thing fired up where they shoot my three so I'm going to plug this in here pretty simple what a plug in my antenna in here just to the lobby I'm going to turn it around but I'm also going to plug the power cord in here excuse me for ducking so here is a powerful what I have this plug up into a wall already let me read for demonstration here but we plug this in and I've already kind of pre hook this up to a Wi-Fi connection so this hooked up to CV so all you see is this so let's turn this bad boy around here okay let's plug this in and basically box plug back up in in here alright so relied on this plugged out and you see the light come on on this amp when I turn the bottle on as you see there's a green light so now the amplifier is working so we're going to turn the TV on and I don't intend on putting this antenna anywhere yet so I'm not sure when we'll put it but I'm just going to hold it for now but once you turn the TV on which I just did you're going to see that this antenna will give me some basic channels as it comes on here and I'm going to show you what the antenna can do so that's the channel come from Anthem here's another channel dr. Phil as you see all coming from this antenna here and this is pretty good reception it looks pretty good live TV here let's see what other channels we get and again these are my local channels so it really depends on where you're at is going to pick up different channels for you but can we get Fox yeah we got Fox Fox is coming in clear all from this little HD antenna well let me stop move it a little bit so as you see I'm moving but I'm getting socks I'm getting my TV plug it charged I think HCBS as well - and the games going to come in for disaster set this antenna up for you in decent placemaking CW and you see get down and this is all coming from the free stuff I mean cable was charging into this stuff I'm going to get a lot ABC so that is basically when I will get from Hanson I'm going to put this down and what I want to do is I want to actually switch over to the miracle box you're going to see this switch over to this and to do that I want to change the source and I think we had in HTML 3 like a right hmm 3 so we're going to go down to HTML 3 and what hit OK alright so this is the inside of the miracle box as you see it's a very simple media center and let me grab a controller here it's a very very simple media center and as you see we're hooked up to life already and it's really easy to work you don't have to have any major brain I comes with an automatic updater so it's going to update automatically everything so let me just kind of show you some of the things that you get with them your PO box and what I'll probably do is give you guys a closer look just so you can see the clarity the same provides but again this is why I don't need cable so I want to scroll down when I go to open media center and amazing this is on the load and I'm going to have a lot of choices here my TV is going to now be exploding with a lot of movies and TV shows and things of nature so as you see it actually defaults to TV shows it's going to slow it up a little bit it's connecting to the internet I'm going to give it maybe about 10 to 15 seconds to propagate and as you see I got TV shows I have adult content I have fitness I have kids stuff I have music want to play that I got some comedy stuff I got movies all types of movies classics if I want to watch classic TV shows and I got a regular TV show so without even getting into any detail how easy is it to finally let me explain to you what this does this uses the internet and whatever TV show or TV series and movies you want to see it will actually go to the Internet and bring it back to the TV for free you don't have to pay for it so basically I'm going to go to movies because everyone loves little bit I'm going to show you what movies can pull back so by simply hitting up twice on this remote I can get the movie so it's not complicated to use i'ma go up once up twice and now I'm actually going through the movies at the top here I can see what's out I can see we're going to watch I can just kind of go through and scroll and on the move that the background so I can open up any movie from there just to show you I'm going to go into the state of the series which is movie that this reason can still in theaters was hit okay I'm going to let this thing go give me a movie now most of you would pay for this right now I'm not paying for it this is just using the Internet to pull in a movie so it's one a full movie and so on bring some SUV and you're going to see this live come through in six little minutes a search on links so be patient the internet I have is about we make a hundred megabytes so it's bringing me all the choices and again I didn't do anything fancy at its press up and so I want it and just hit okay so we're going to wait and it should be brainless of movie shortly as you see it's ticking about 24 seconds which is hey easier than going to red box easier than going out to Netflix it doesn't cost anything that's what's called the bug Memphis I mean how does moving epic to the legs in movies so now gives me all these choices in fact runback internet except in ATP I'm going to hit okay and it is going to bring me the state of the Furious and there you go ladies and gentlemen the faith hug furious it's going to brought back to my TV and now let me turn the volume a little bit as you see the clarity is 1080p looks pretty good I'm going to show you a few things because YouTube is probably going to shut me down for going too long but as you see I have to think the series on will turn it down I'm just going to kind of let that you kind of see how easy it is when it comes in as you see it's playing pretty decent and you don't see a picture shortly and this is just an example of me putting up a movie so there it is big experience and I can pause it I can rewind it I can fast-forward I can stop it and I have all the features that I need to control this movie so what this does is you don't need a DVD player don't need it toss it in trash you don't need a DVR you don't need to record your TV shows because TV shows are recorded automatically without the commercials they're commercial free so I'm going to get out of this I'm going to go back to the main hub and I'm just going to go randomly pull up a TV show and again the features are more and more robust I mean you have a new religion you have more TV shows you have live TV premium stuff you got box sets that you can go into a look at the whole box sets you got adult stuff um got into fitness stuff so I'm going to go right into TV shows and what it looks like again you know if I want to do an extensive search that's no problem I go down our networks and I can do an extensive search here by networks and I can literally find my TV show and get any AMC Amazon and yes necklace is on here as well so all the networks on here HBO Cinemax your Disney XD your Fox is there's a scale again you don't need to pay for that that's here on the man there's your hallmark feature channel lifetime MTV and there's Netflix so you don't have to pay for Netflix Nickelodeon things something's going to go into an epic so someone choose Showtime just a randomly go through an episode is going to pull up everything that Showtime shows and I can actually go in here and watch anything that I want the whole entire series ray Donovan or whatever so I'm going to go into a show that has um this on primetime like most of you might like to watch scandal and I think scandal is on uh I think it's on I'm not mistaken to on ABC or CBS I think is on ABC so if you are several person and you like to watch scandal and maybe you missed an episode maybe you forgot to record it maybe a dr d hiring the working you can actually go through here and look at here is blackish Grey's Anatomy marbles in the with murder Goldbergs and there it's scandal and I have every single episode of every single scandal all right here my favorite is no I don't have to buy it now I don't have to go into you know to pay anything extra for it it's all right here down to season six and I can literally get the last episode and again this is last episode on negative team so I can just pull up scandal actually chose it is one of the ones going to a surge going to find scandals I'll pull it up and it's going to be commercial-free it's going to give me choices again I'm not paying anything for this so you can do this with any TV show you can do this with classics and in other videos I would do more extensive demos on this box but I want to keep it too long I'm already long enough because I need to show you guys the live CD in the sports um so we're going to just kind of show you a scandal here guys did you see an episode of scandal the last when it came on so I can actually watch that it's going to be commercial-free and this will be pretty darn cool so that is scandal I could tell that I can rewind a fast sport I mean whatever I want to do and want to get out of this so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to show you guys the live shooting sports a lot of times people wonder hey what I'll be sacrificing anything online can I get live TV ladies and gentlemen you can add to be from our website and trust me you will get more live TV than you ever thought it's possible you're going to see live TV that you never thought existed because this box gives you access to live TV in different parts of the world so we have a bunch of different packages on here that you can add and they play just like you had a cord plug into your box so I'm going to show you that I'm going to give you a closer look inside the box I want to do what's called a screen share so you can actually see how this would look on your TV through the video so you can actually see that clarity see the definition because that's going to be important because live TV is very hard to get when you're streaming well ladies and gentlemen we do live TV better than you okay ladies and gentleman we're showing you the box from inside the box so this is how you can expect it to look on your HDTV and what we're going to do is we're going to show you that if you give up cable that you're not going to really sacrifice quality live TV because we do have premium live TV and premium sports available and in most cases you can get more options on here than you can paying full price for it on cable so one of the things that you can recognize about this box is everything is really organized you're not going to really get lost in this box unlike cable everything is a scramble and a bunch of different little channels well here you can just scroll to a section and you can know what to expect when you go to that section so we're going to start off showing you one of our premium Labs TV packages that you can get and you're going to notice the quality and clarity of its all you have to do is go down here to whatever one you have and in this case want to go to 1,400 premium live which is HD and this is live TV that is happening right now so we're get a bunch of little categories here when it comes up and we're going to go to USA and we're going to click OK and as you see we have NBC a bunch of embassies and we have it in 1080p so I'm going to click here and you're going to see this come on and this is live TV right now and one of the things that's great about the lab to be just like cable you do have the ability to have a TV guys so you can see what comes on through out today and be able to watch your live TV accordingly now I'm going to blow the subject so you can see I'll make this a little bigger and as you see this is 1080p and this is no buffering no freezing this is running directly from the internet on this box this box is the only box that you can find on a planet that will offer live TV this good and we have Fox as well and as you see there's a commercial on again we're showing your live TV and again the clarity is just amazing you have the TV guides here so you know what's coming on and we're just going to give you a quick little view of some of the stations that are on here with the live TV so you know and really we don't have time to go through all of them but there is a lot of channels as we scroll through here there's gravel there's BT there is cooking channel there's so many great channels on here that you can watch live and I mean it just goes on and on and on and on all this live TV is available again more options and you would have with cable and so as I scroll down here you'll see you know some of the things there on here live and you may wonder hey do you have sports stations you have things of that nature and let me just kind of show you I'm going to get out of this regular channel because again there's a lot to show you and I'm going to go over to the sports and show you that yes we do have live sports stations here is ESPN as we make it a little smaller there's ESPN First Take in 1080p and we make it bigger just so you can see the clarity and yes ladies and gentlemen this is live TV at its finest and these are all the sports stations that we have on here and again you're not going to get this many with cable but we have a lot of them here so you'll see all of your box ination the tennis channel WWE all of these little sports packages packaging network TSN Sky Sports so yes the very channels that you have on cable are not as robust as this but you know what you're paying four times more for so that is just the live TV let me show you premium live sports and many of you are probably sports fans you probably want to watch your NBA your email be your hockey and because you have cable or satellite you may realize that you can't get all the games that you want to watch because some of them are blackout games so ladies and gentlemen with the sports package there is no such thing as a blackout games with us because we show you everything that is playing when playing it right now there's tennis so this is live in London so we're going to go right to the tennis and show you that just with a click of a button I'm pulling up the tennis well it's on commercial right now so we're going to go through something else they may have live sports on it just so we can show you so there's tennis on there is FIFA on so we'll go to FIFA and most of you don't even have people playing and here is FIFA that's live soccer right there it's playing so some of you don't even have this available on your cable channels and it is available in the sports package again everything playing on the planet it's pretty much available as I show you what we'll be playing through today and throughout the week as you see all the MLB you see the WWE all the stuff will be available tonight for anyone that has a sports package to watch at their fingertips and in NFL season yes every NFL game will be on every NBA game will be on every NHL game will be on this even covers pay-per-view events so if you want to watch pay-per-view events they will be on here as well so that will be available under other sports so if there's a preview event you want to watch it comes in on here 1080p and guess what you don't have to pay the high price tag for it so we're going to go back to the main menu and ladies and gentlemen as you see this is some of the things that we have on the miracle box and we're going to show you how to get this in your home so that you no longer have to pay for cable and get less ok ladies and gentlemen as we promised we showed you how to get free local channels we showed you how to get live TV we showed you how to get premium movies and TV shows on demand and we even showed you how to get premium sport and all of this without having to pay a dime for cable so as you can see having one of these in your home could literally give you access to more TV in what you're paying for now as a matter of fact the average person is paying over $3,500 a year for top-of-the-line premium TV programming and with the miracle box if you just watch movies and TV shows on demand your cost is zero dollars per year so you can literally give yourself a $3,500 raise just by switching to the miracle box and give yourself more choices now ladies and gentlemen I must warn you these things sell out very quickly and most of you are going to want another pricing you're going to want to know how to get this in your home and I'm going to show you all you have to do is you can click the link below this video or you can visit free on demand and want to go there right quick it's free on demand TV dot-com and it's going to take you to our website it's going to give you a little more information about the box it's going to tell you kind of what it does and some of the additional accessories you can get with it to enhance your experience and really this box does more than what we showed you here it can actually turn your TV into an Internet as well so as you see here when you go to our website some of you may want to know what other people think about it well you can scroll down here and you can read reviews for my actual customers and know what they think about it so that way at least you have the opinions of others and reviews of others before making the decision and once you enter your name and email then you will be on our list by being on our list you'll have an opportunity to get a coupon that gives you a discount and make sure to subscribe to our channel so below this video definitely hit that subscribe button definite hit that like button and what that will do is give you an opportunity to get one of these in your home for free we kind of tell you make sure you subscribe because we will be giving one of these away free to our subscribers so make sure you're one of our subscribers and make sure you're on our Facebook page because we like to give stuff away for free but we love to give it away for people who follow us so ladies and gentlemen make sure you visit free on demand TV com or give us a call if you have any questions and make sure you subscribe to this channel because in the next video we're going to show you our new live TV service that's coming out and trust me it's going to blow your mind away and we're going to give you some tips on how to get the cable company to give you a bigger discount to what you're already paying thanks ladies and gentlemen