Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog? ~ web development company

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Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog?

Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog?

welcome back to the channel today we're going to talk Guare's TV this is definitely one of the most popular services out there because all the hype really there is it worth it is it any better than any others let's jump into this find out what we think and guys make sure you leave a comment here let me know if you've used gears if you use them now or if you're using something else that's comparable to them let's find out let's really talk to each other and see what is the best services out there would appreciate those comments also hit that like button that subscribe button make sure you are

Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog?
Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog?

Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog?

subscribed here cuz I'll keep putting video reviews out for other products try to do those every day so alright let's jump into this let's do Gears TV again this is for educational purposes guys I don't promote this service or any other service out there I just want to show you guys what is available and what kind of channels line ups things like that are available so this is gonna be mainly your us as you can see here there are some UK channels here there's some paper views there's some adult you saw that so you got your major sports packages are gonna be all there you can come watch those that's all included in your price cost-wise for this I think it's without depending on what website you go to you know that's the things there's a bunch of different resellers on the web so I'm not gonna recommend anyone specific reseller here if you guys are reselling it you can leave a comment and tell people come check out your site whatever but for right now I'm just reviewing the service as a whole cost

wise it's probably I've seen it anywhere from the 18 to 25 bucks a pop depending if you want the TV Guide so there's you know it's not a bad price it really is not but it just depends on what you're looking for does it have everything you want you like the interface guys got to test it out yourself and find out so let's jump into this let's look at the US section really quick let these channels pull up so yeah this is gonna be a very comparable to most of the services out there that will let you cut cut out your expensive cable bill or satellite bill it's got your premium movies there you can see that that would usually cost you you know probably just as much as you'd pay for this whole entire service for so all those premium movies that are there like I said each one of those packages be at 30 bucks already so these are alphabetical they do you have some locals it's not at the largest local section out there but they've got a few handfuls of them for you but most of these channels you probably have seen in your premium cable bill so alright and we'll click on a few of these in just a moment so you can get a good look at them but as we scroll through here we're there's some Comcast cozy crime investigation discovery see more just Disney's DIY 11 sports epics ESPN's are there ESPN news food network's foxes see more fox sports lots of fox sports there more fox sports you thought you could use right all right let's go down further further further there's a pass TF sorry golf channel hallmarks or HBO HGTV yeah let's see here we have lifetime's MGM Major League Baseball in MTV now gon be a more NBC's sports package there and it fails there and Nick a lot of Knicks their own pack twelves there so if you have DirecTV here's a great replacement for that sports now let's see here sci-fi teen teen Nick tennis TLC TNT truTV I think you get the point guys this is pretty much what you would have with cable or satellite so let's just click on a couple of these and see if they load in see that loading nice and quick they have a 1080 version of that we're not gonna worry about that we're

Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog?

 just gonna click on the ones we go through here so we can't spend too much time on the channel itself but we'll just click on a few of these you can see how it loads up and comes in so which is doing just fine with it sure what up is it works alright just got a few more so if you know if you're new to IPTV this is definitely gonna be an option for you you know you're looking for stability these guys have always been pretty stable they've got a lot of good reviews a lot of people out there have used it this is I think this one was one of the first ones I ever came across and you know was pretty impressed with it and I've just done other services that I like layouts and channel lines better more local things like that so but you get the point all these are loading in really nice there's no no no issues there the quality looks really good again this is the app that's on my phone you can download this on your device to watch that in so alright enough of that those channels there let's go to our locals you have a handful locals here again you're not gonna have every single local here but they have a good chunk of them so if you live in a certain state you should be able to find one or two your options there to go with so your cbs's are all here let's get a little further down there's your Fox's even further down NBC's so again we're not going through every single one of them there but you get the point there's a lot of locals for you so it's just not the major Network ones you can have so Canada NBA so these games obviously these ones are telling you what games are coming on tonight you can easily click on those something packages depending on what service you have we'll just lists like NBA one two three four five six you got to click on pretty much all of them to find out which game is yours where these guys actually put the name of the game that's playing that night which I really like that so same with baseball you know you know hey I'm gonna watch the Dodgers and Cubs I can watch it in 728 can watch it in 1080p and you be good to go there so there you go alright so there's our sports we did locals Canada NHL hockey March Madness that's old NFL music's that they'd have an adult there for you so so that's kind of the basics of it they OC pay-per-view so you can see the pay per views that are there again guys what you pay for a pay-per-view fight you know that can cover a few months of service here so I definitely want to look at here so all right there let's see let's go quick candidate really quick you can just get a good idea what's it in the Canada area some sports and that stuff TSN so just a little handful those but most the ones that are in Canada are also the same ones in the US just obviously not the local commercials and things like that so all right so that's that's all I'm going to show on this one really quick you guys saw that it definitely can replace your cable or satellite cost-wise is you know 18 to 25 bucks depending what you're buying for oh it said I'm not promoting any specific to resell it on here I don't wanna be you know unfair to the to bunch of other ones that are out there but search the web do your research you know there's good and bad reviews out there about

Gears TV IPTV Review - Is Gears TV Still The Top Dog?

gears and it's not so much about the service itself it's about the resellers so I just don't feel fair about putting one resale up that I just don't know you know to provide it where there's gears is a big brand that bunch of people can resell I think that makes sense what I'm trying to say there so if you resell it but you're coming in there and then let people know you're reseller put a website whatever you've got these guys can see you know what is uh what's available for them to purchase with so and they can get a good look at the service and see if it's something they want to go with all right guys I think that's enough of this I'm just like I said I this was kind of my first experience with IPTV and I was pretty impressed with it and wanted to come back and show you guys this the service is great and it works well and you know loads up pretty well there so I think I think that's about all we need to talk about there so all right guys let me know what you think have a good one