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namecheap vpn sale review

 namecheap vpn sale review

Namecheap reviews so what is going on guys welcome to my name cheap videos so in today's video we'll be talking about Namecheap what they actually offer pretty much no nut shot named chief is an all-in-one shop where you can buy domains web hosting and email hosting as well so pretty much Namecheap isn't only one place where you can basically get everything you need to start an online business and your own website or even like your own brand so um of that being said let's get started with today's Namecheap video all righty so let me just move my face out of the way so we could actually see my screen and yeah as you can see this is gonna be named chips official website so you can buy domains you can buy web hosting as well you can basically you know migrate your web sites and all that type of stuff to check out some of their apps obviously enough security who is God 

 namecheap vpn sale review
 namecheap vpn sale review

namecheap vpn sale review

which I'll talk about throughout the video as well which it makes common themes you have quite unique compared to the competition and yes so let's actually dive through all of this in a lot of detail and kind of go over you know everything you need to know about Namecheap and what they actually offer and go through a thorough review now before we actually start today's video actually you want to actually talk about the pros and the coupon page right here so Namecheap actually has their own dedicated promotion page we can get a bunch of coupon codes and primaries for Namecheap when it comes to like any promos for your domains for web hosting for email hosting whatever it is you want to get you know a coupon code or promo code for on the name ship website you can actually get her through this page right here so what I'm actually gonna be doing for you is instead of actually linking down below to their home page I want to link down below to their parent Pete we can get yourself a bunch of discount coupon codes in promos if you ever want to actually get anything from the entry for an example right so I'll link down below to this page so as you can see you know 84 percent off discount right here you know managed wordpress from $1 um you know this mom's coupons all the type of stuff you can see there's a lot of different coupon codes around here that he can actually take advantage of and this is gonna update every single moms' so depending on when you're watching this video these promos and coupon codes are actually going to update and be different every single month so if you want actually check out the latest promos and coupon codes on click the top link down below in the video description and you'll be able to check out all the latest promo codes and coupon codes alright but um yeah um let's get started with today's Namecheap review videos so the first thing I want to talk about is their domains okay see obviously Namecheap is quite well known Tom for their domains because they're one of the most popular domain registrar's in the entire world okay so let's go over here to domain registrations so we can obviously do right here is putting your dummy anything that you want to buy so for example I'm just putting the domain name test video com and then once you add to cart' obviously you can buy the domain name if you want but I want to actually show you like what actually is the process of like buying a domain name and what you actually get because this video is all about giving you a review so you know what to actually expect when it comes to Namecheap and stuff in their services okay so as you can see you have the option to buy a web hosting mr. cell I'm private email logo makeup VPN easy WP so if you wanna buy web hosting private email you can do that as well right here for Namecheap so the one thing that I really appreciate about Namecheap the most about domain registrar such as GoDaddy don't actually offer because with Carrie they're really really expensive first of all but on they don't even have a free he'll he's got okay um here is God is essential if you want to buy domains okay and you get this completely for free free forever we've named cheap so what is who is God well basically right here it's pretty much privacy protection to hides your personal information in that public Whois database so pretty much in a nutshell any Tom Dick and Harry on the Internet can literally just copy your domain name do like a Hughie's search on your domain name and pretty much see like your address your phone number pretty much all the information associated with your Demarest record is gonna be public to the whole world if you don't have who is God enabled so with other services you have to actually pay for this which is really annoying so the cool thing about you know name chip right here is that you actually get this completely for free so that's a big thing when it comes to by no means nowadays you need to make sure that you have this enabled this is obviously completely free so yeah I wanted to just quickly point out as well that's a very important arm so if we go over here the shared hosting around here this is where you can buy the name cheap hosting around here so the hosting is quite cheap so as you can see right here you know you're paying $22 you know a year so this is in Australian dollars so I think it's gonna be even cheaper so if you're in United States one example so obviously the pricing right here is in Australian dollars but I'm obviously as you can see right here you know if you pay luckily um you get it for 50% discount so obviously instead of paying forty five dollars you pay any you know twenty two dollars in Australian dollars per month so I think us like you know a lot less in US dollars off because likes I'm know seventeen dollars i think those in USD currency and obviously if you pay monthly it's a bit more expensive but on that's how it works now regards to like you know their webpage and service itself is it the best in the world there are better alternatives in fact on you know if you are looking for the best way patient service not necessarily like the cheapest um web hosting service out there but if you're looking for the best like web hosting service I would recommend a service called boy house they give you a free domain as well here's a little bit more pricey than name cheap but I'm you know this is like you know the best way patient service is strongly recommend but um yeah in regards to like you know buying domains I'll strongly recommend Namecheap in that regard because they give you free who was God in there relatively cheap but the same token guys you know if you're looking for the cheapest you know domain wrist strap of ID up on the market then I'll strongly recommend a service called named silo now named silos actually a little bit more cheaper than they don't cheap the thing about name chip is that they actually give you free who is guard they have a nice easy to use cPanel and it's just very very clean and you know very very easy to use that's what makes name cheap so attractive and you know the fact that their pricing isn't actually too expensive compared to like you know other providers like go that II for example but at the same token if you're looking for the cheapest cheapest cheapest you know place it buy domains then you can check out named seller as well you know as you can see right here I have a coupon code that's actually exclusive called m35 where you can basically buy a domain name for $8.00 same with namecheap s-- hosting right here you know the hosting is pretty cheap you know very very cheap compared to the competition and especially if you buy yearly as well you get like fifty percent off so it's very very cheap they're not the best web has to provide on the market obviously in my opinion bull your house would be the best but the same token if you want to get you know a cheap you know shared hosting plan with namecheap you can definitely go ahead and do that actually pretty decent as well I'm a sexy right here you know they have a lot of different like you know I'm features and stuff you have access a cPanel with namecheap share hosting as well and you can build like a WordPress site with their hosting as well and host that on the internet so that's very very convenient for you as well if you want to do that as well so I mean you know there's lots of different options out there I think Namecheap you know I'm when it comes to the shared hosting it's not where they like you know Excel that where Namecheap really excels and really prospers is their domain registrar service so you can basically look you know buy domains and stuff it's very very you know a clean layout Capital domain registrar's and they're pretty cheap as well compared to like GoDaddy and all the other ones as well so you can definitely buy domains here as well and obviously you know it click the top link down below in the video description to even get like you know or some really really massive discounts as well for yourself now the last thing I'm talking about in today's theme should review video is their private email hosting so I'm you actually get to muscle free with any private email this is a mob fan right here so obviously if we go to one year you know it's about fourteen dollars and sixty cents in Australian dollars I believe I'm not sure that's in Australian dollars and I think it is so yeah it's got a very on you're going currency so the price it's going to be converting to your own currency depending where you live throughout the world but obviously you know you get free travel to your mum's for any of these plans right here you know two months one year one year as well so there's a lot of different features as well obviously you know you get like different like you know email storage on file storage and on top of stuff right here as well dependent more plain you actually go as you can see that been double features and they have an FAQ section as well regarding their private email service as well so yeah that's a quick review of what the No Name ship is all about um obviously you know um it's really up to you where you want to buy your domains from your on web hosting from and your private email hosting from as well so um in my personal recommendation when it comes to like buying domains I personally use you know Namecheap to buy on my domains and when it comes to web hosting I use you know a service called Bluehost to basically do my web hosting and when it comes to private email hosting I use Namecheap right here to basically host my emails as well so um yeah that's pretty much what I do I'm so again I'll leave a link down below to on the promo page we can see all the latest discounts and promos and coupons for Namecheap as well so i'll everything down below that at the top the via description for you I'll leave a link down below to name seller as well if you wanna check out name solo I'm there also pretty good but I'm than she is the best you know their main restaurant in my opinion compared to like all the rest and I'll leave a link down below to Bluehost if you want to get web hosting as well which is you know but I'll recommend for your web hosting service if you want something a bit more cheaper then I recommend the name cheap shared hosting plan right here which is also you know pretty good as well in regards to their web hosting so yeah that's pretty much it for today's video thanks for watching today's video again all links will be down below and yeah peace

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