Best IPTV Service For The Price- $5.00 IPTV ou $20.00 IPTV ~ web development company

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Best IPTV Service For The Price- $5.00 IPTV ou $20.00 IPTV

Best IPTV Service For The Price- $5.00 IPTV ou $20.00 IPTV

guys welcome back to the channel as the title says and as on the screen shows five-dollar IPTV versus $20 IPTV let's take a look guys let's see what's gonna be the best one for you guys do me a favor guys make sure hit that subscribe button hit that notification bell so you can be the first ones to see this video I also show a lot of trials that are available so you guys can take the first advantage of that so make sure you're subscribed and that bails on also guys keep in mind this is just for 
Best IPTV Service For The Price- $5.00 IPTV ou $20.00 IPTV
Best IPTV Service For The Price- $5.00 IPTV ou $20.00 IPTV

educational purposes only I'm gonna be showing quite a few different services some channel listing some things like that I'm not picking on anyone service or promoting or encouraging any one specific service here I'm just educating you guys on the differences between some services and some good some bad and the things that you know you can take from this and hopefully find what's gonna work best for you guys to cut the cord so let's jump into it let's talk about a $5 to $20 any any different pricing we'll talk about today though we've got pricing all over the board let's talk about it here all right so we're gonna go through some channels some support some trials what else we got here some speeds different lot of different subjects we're going to talk about now and really gonna find out which is gonna be the best service for you guys and what's gonna work best for you so let's just jump into this let's talk channels first alright so if you've been around IPTV for a while you know that there's channels all over the board you can get a service has just a few hundred that's basically your basic cable or you can get some have ten twelve thirteen thousand different channels so and you know something will cost as little as five dollars sometimes under five dollars if someone costs 30 to 40 dollars a month for for that and it doesn't mean because it has 13,000 channels you're gonna spend thirty dollars a month because some services may only you know have 8,000 channels only charge you five dollars a month so what it matters though to you is is it does it have the channels you're looking for now with IPTV there's obviously going to be some channels that aren't going to be there sometimes your locals aren't there or maybe a couple of your locals are there but not all of them or you know you want premium movies or you want all the sports you want all the paper views but you know for a price you've got to pay a little bit more in some services they just give you a basic service some of them go all out so what I want to do here now is I want to show you guys a few different channel lineups of different services again like I said I'm not promoter promoting or you know dissing on anyone service here so if it only has a few channels that's not mean it's the worst it means it's got to work for you guys you've got to really come and take a test of these find out which one's gonna work best for you and make sure has the channels for you so let's look at some of these other services I've done reviews on in the past let's look at their channel lineups and see what they've got we'll talk pricing as well as you can get a good idea of what you get for what pricing let's jump into a few of these all right so this first service is called prime media they've got about 700 different channels here as you can see and you know it's just a little bit of everything you know they've got a few in Spanish funeral yes pians for sports with you and your UK music channels kids us entertainment movies mainly us as you can see 267 they've got your sports packages there but that's it that's it guys there's not only not a loss so if you're looking for mainly us here some movies and a little bit of UK you know for 5 bucks and things actually under five bucks a month for a couple connections you guys can have you know cut the cord for into five bucks a month so it's it's definitely a good deal you know is there other services out there that are around that price that may have a lot more yes you can find some of those sometimes they'd run promos for those you know I first got introduced to IPTV I was using eternal TV which started a $5 package for one connection but they no longer offer that I have a three connection with them for $8 a month unless let's look at that one and see the difference between channels of versa so 700 maybe one that has you know two or three thousand let's let's jump in to see the difference between another service that's a few bucks more all right so here's a layout for eternal TV they've got 3200 channels they've got it kind of broken out each little caret category there 139 in the u.s. 27 your movies 32 in your kids they've got 400 in your regionals so as we saw with prime media they didn't have a lot of regionals listed there they were just all included into one these guys have a little bit more better break out when it comes to international stuff as you can see me scrolling here we got in India Latin Pakistan Spain Brazil so these guys started at 5 bucks a month but now for a 3 connections 8 bucks so between 5 and 10 dollars a month you can get it where you could get eternal for for you know 3,000 channels for that price so for anywhere from 5 to 10 so you know but they definitely for $5.00 that doesn't mean the only only gonna get 500 or 700 channels you could get up to 3000 4000 5000 for this so let's look at one more here okay so this service I'm logged into now is called IPTV sensation they've got 38 95 you can see definitely worldwide service here a lot of different channels to look at more countries they offering some adult in there let's go to keep going down here you can see there's a big UK so depending on 
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what you're getting and there's 499 you can get channels all over the place right you can get 200 us you can get 700 us you can get you know all the sports and get no sports and get a build you get all these different options here to find out so anywhere from 5 to 10 to 13 dollars different categories I've got probably you know quite a few different services here ten different services I can show you you know for that price so let's talk one more one or two more let's go into those alright so here we are at flicks tix app and they've got nearly 12,000 channels so you know like I said this one runs you $10 a month so you know if you want to spend a little more time and actually going through each one of these categories they've got twelve hundred and seventy two in the US now a lot of those are repeaters they may have two or three of the same channels they may have two or three of the sports packages built in there but you can see that they just throw everything in together large UK large Canada the main point is that there's just channels all over the place you guys can pick up so you'll need to do your own research here and find which one's gonna work best for you and not all services work the same on your network on your devices so you may have to take a test type of flick stick or IPTV sensation or prime media or you know fire TV any of these ones that I've done thunder TV any of these reviews that I've done you guys can take a test for but you can see not all packages are gonna give you the same thing when you're looking at it so hopefully that explains the channels you just got to dive into it take those trials and see if it's got all the channels you're looking for all right the next category I want to talk about is free trials or just trials in general so stone service will offer a free trial depending on the cost if you get a $5 service they might not offer a free trial just because they say hey for five bucks try it out for a full month get thirty days of it I mean honestly if you guys can't afford a five for a month worth of free service for you know basically free TV for five bucks you know and obviously you're not ready to cut the cord so five bucks to save you one trip to McDonald's or something so and one of them do offer free trials though so they understand you guys have got to try them out make sure it's gonna work like I said on your devices your internet everything like that make sure they have the channels you want so reach out to all of them that you guys are looking at if they don't mention a free trial a lot of times they'll still give you one if you're you know serious about it reach out their Facebook groups things like that they've got almost the websites they mention free trials and like I said if some of them don't it's you know because they usually price well enough that they figure if you can you know take the five to ten dollar risk for the month and try it out so but definitely look for those trials so you guys can take a test of it alright so the next thing I want to talk about is support do all $5 services offer a good support no I'll stand ten dollars an hour twenty or thirty dollars no you guys this is something that's very important to you if you're not if you're not familiar with setting up apps and installing apps and and you know copying pasting your n3u codes into your apps things like that you could actually use quite a bit of support on this if you've been doing it for a while you understand how it's done and you don't need it but as a IPTV service they really should be offering some kind of support for you guys to help get up and going so you can use it and yes for five dollars a month they understand you know what we're gonna give you guys a login and password to give me a app you've got it kind of figure out how to use it your own but there's some services out there that we'll spend a lot of time with you for as little as five dollars and some that are twenty five and thirty dollars you know that you know don't spend that much time so you've got it you know get to know your your company you're trying to work with here see how they're acting and then you know like I said look at what other people are saying about if you're following their other groups you know you can see from some of the reviews people are having there so support is very important once you get used to it for a few months down the road you'll realize hey you know I don't need support I can install an apk myself you know I can you know troubleshoot myself and I know how to clear my cache and through my devices and reset my routers all that stuff so but supports very important make sure you get what you pay for and you know if one wants to offer 24/7 support they may charge you a few more bucks extra a month for that then someone that's just gonna give you a login and password alright now we're going to talk some video on demand or VAW this is either TV series or movies that have been you know recorded online hitting on a server some services offer this some don't depending on where they're located at so if you guys are looking for video on demand that may be something you could spend a little bit more money for some of them could have a thousand channels some could have 10,000 channels of or movies you know built in there so to me it's always an added feature to have it's never something that I'm looking for just because there's a lot of other apps out there but keep in mind it is an extra feature to have if you're going to spend you know five bucks a month you know maybe not expect that if you're spending 15 20 30 dollars a month you know hopefully they have that and you guys can go and watch those video on demand it's really nice when you especially wanting to watch a TV series without having commercials or watch a movie without having you know ads or anything like that like Netflix would have so just an added feature a lot of them took those away a little while ago because of you know some problems they had some of the major networks were threatening to sue so some of the services do not offer those but some still do so if you want to look at that you know if something you're interested in check out what they've got available there and some will be larger than others so keep that in mind all right pay-per-view is another subject here you want to check out if you guys are big into like fights or any kind of live events or coming on WWE things like that you'll want to make sure your service does offer that and again some of them for $5 a month offers all of them and some of them don't so that's something you have to look into spend a little more time on the service test it out for a month because even though they say pay-per-view you know they may not have all the paper views you're looking for some of them pull up you know some really lower not low end fights but some of the ones that aren't you know your your Showtime fights or your major you know UFC fight so you have a lot of other ones so it's good to have those on there so pay attention to it if you guys are looking forward you know you may pay a couple bucks extra for that a month for a better service that's gonna have for every fight that they can find all right so speeds now this is talking more about their server speeds where they've got you guys you know set up and how many clients are putting on a server you can definitely tell you know if the surface is getting bogged down sometimes during a major event or you know sporting event or pay-per-view that you can tell there's a little bit of struggle on some of these sites to pull up the channels and you know so I would definitely say you know see how many customers they've got and talk to them about their servers and this all comes down to your speed to on your internet making sure that you guys are paying for a good internet speed don't always blame the service because I've had plenty of services that I've never once seen any problem with buffering and yet I hear people complain all the time about buffering so you know it's not always on the IPTV provider definitely has some things to do with your speeds itself but you know just making sure that that you're using more of a dedicated server instead of people just you know spamming and trying to throw you know as many clients as they can on one server and you know they're just trying to make some money for they're trying to you know kind of turn and burn but you guys need to find a service that's gonna be good for you and really you know spend that time spend that trial or spend that first month seeing how the service works if you can go watch that service and basically forget you're using IPTV that's gonna be one you want to stick with all right payment options now this is a this is kind of a big one here because some services if there are five dollars will offer PayPal will offer credit card will offer Bitcoin will offer anything else that's out there they can find and then some services that are twenty five thirty dollars don't offer those so they will so and some of them depending on you know where they're located and the rules they have within those different areas and how they're using it will offer different things but you know if you're wanting to find one that has just credit card or the only takes PayPal not every service is the same you know they're definitely specific on what they're offering and sometimes they don't want to pay extra fee some of them will make you pay friends and family through PayPal so they don't get charged fees that's also a little tricky though because if you have problems and you can't ask for a refund because you paid with friends and family so basically you told PayPal that you know this person is doing a transaction with you're not gonna ask for a refund so keep that in mind when you're making payments on it but I would definitely say find one that you're comfortable with if it's through PayPal buying if it's through credit card fine hopefully they offer both for you or whatever payments you're looking for but just you know pay attention to where you're getting this the product from you know do your research on it and make sure you're making the payment you know the best way it's secure it's way possible for that so but it could be all over the board of how they're wanting to charge you for this some people may charge monthly some a charge quarterly some a charge yearly do what you're comfortable with on the payment for the right term and again it's not always about I want a five-dollar service that's all I'm gonna get or I won't switch to IPTV and it doesn't work that way you're gonna have to lay on maybe go with ten or fifteen or twenty dollars service but you're still got a huge savings on your site versus what you're paying for cable or satellite you know months before alright so let's talk em three use this is the link that they're gonna provide you with most services will provide you with an m3 you if you asked for it but there are services out there depending on the cost that may only offer you a a p-- one app to use and you have to use their login and password other services depending of you're willing to pay a little bit more for it may offer you an m3 which means you can put that into any IPTV player app that has a place to import a URL you can also put those on like Smart TVs you can put them on a laptop on a web browser or things like that so keep that in mind when you're looking for different services and what they're offering if they're only offering one app you know and it's four five seven dollars ten dollars a month you know you may have to go that route but if you want a little more flexibility that's where you may be paying a little bit more money there so hopefully that helps you guys out understand that and kind of on that same subject with talking about apps and apks most services out there using the smarter sap right now but there's a lot of other apps out there there's quite a few different versions they're coming out with there's a emulator there's perfect players a good one out there some of them have their own specific ones like a Gears TV has their own built app there's a few others out there there's try things the best TV has one Ustream has one that's their own there's a lot to have their own dark media has their own so you know depending again what you guys are willing to pay and what you want to pay you know you may love an app that's on this one but it's 15 dollars a month and you just you know have to pay it because that's the app you love so but this gotten better and better before when I first started here a year ago it was literally you had you know two options of apps and then the past year there's definitely been a whole lot more coming out and even more and more come out and you can put on pretty much any device you want you know they're working on any of these so they're not just based off of the user name you can put the m3u so it's getting a lot better but you know be patient with it you know it's definitely not gonna be perfect it's not gonna give you the you know exact look you want you know that you had with DIRECTV your satellite and if that's what you want you have to stick with that because you know unfortunately the the apks that are offered right now are good they're just not perfect so hopefully you find one you like so with all these different subjects we talked about everyone wants to know what's the best how do we choose is a five is a ten is it 20 do I stick with cable or satellite because it's just too confusing there's a lot of information here guys I understand but again once you've spent some time and learned it and found what's gonna work best for you it's going to be a huge savings for you so it's definitely something you guys need to look at spend a little more time and find out what is the true best service for you all right so I've talked a lot about different things we've talked about channels and apps and speeds and and support and everything but everyone wants to know who the winner is you know what really is the best service for five dollars what is the best service for twenty dollars what's the best service for ten dollars guys and that the real thing is is there's so many services out there we really just can't pick one as the winner but I'm gonna talk about the winner here in just a second but when you're looking at this and getting going just remember find the service that's gonna work best for you and don't worry about it being the cheapest five dollars cost or being the twenty five dollar cost because it came with five connections or because they offer ten different apps or because you know whatever it is you guys need to find your own service that works best for you find the people behind that service that's gonna support you be nice to you help you guys out when you got a question those the things need to find out so let's talk about who the winner is and what is the best service for it and who's gonna really win here all right guys the winner is you you are the winner because you're switching to IPTV you're saving a huge chunk of money you're gonna be able to cut the cord and save some money so now I know I didn't get in here and say well you know ABC company is the best go with them cuz they're $5 or go with these guys cuz they're 10 showed you a few different services out there that have you know 700 channels 3000 channels I showed one they had 12,000 channels their services all over there guys and each one is different you'll find some that are very similar but mainly you guys as yourselves need to you know bet on yourself and go out and find the best service you can and stick with it you know give them a good you know one month two month three months you know really let it run its course see if it's gonna work you'll know right away if this is the service for you if it's got all the challenge you're looking for you know take some trials look at some services and come back to the channel here I'll keep putting videos up there but guys like I said I think you've seen enough of the the different options that are there go out and find yourself the one that's gonna work best for you so hopefully this has helped you guys out like I said I just want to show you that there's a lot of differences between the 5 and the $20 and anywhere in between but mainly it comes down to you guys just finding what's your country with saving yourself some money hopefully has helped to educate you guys here on more IPTV offerings and and really find out what's gonna work for you so appreciate you watching take care