ZEN~MEDIA IPTV Review - Premium TV Channels Available
hey guys welcome back today we're talking Zen media I'm gonna show you guys some great content here you guys can take a look at it see if it's gonna be the one for you to help you guys get better entertainment so let's jump into this see what they've got okay do me a huge favor if you're not![]() |
ZEN~MEDIA IPTV Review - Premium TV Channels Available |
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ZEN~MEDIA IPTV Review - Premium TV Channels Available
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regional stuff they're Canadian you can see all the side over here BBC you've got you know ESPN they've got NBA NFL whenever these are in season they're gonna have it 24/7 you know they've got a lot of good stuff in there this is only the u.s. stuff here you can see we can sculpt a little bit further you got your UK stuff your docks movies news kids and of what we just went through right so you got tons of options for stuff basically your US UK Canada stuff is there some Australia so you know enough of the major networks there for you if you're looking for North America and UK stuff okay so this is the u.s. entertainment section you can see it's nice little layout upward that logo is that's where it would play if we're going to let it play for now we're blocking out in any way if it did play so not showing content for that anymore so anyway you guys can see definitely this is a full replacement for you know your entertainment at the moment cable satellite whatever you're using you're getting all of your content here at pennies on the dollar basically okay and we'll talk pricing shortly when we get into this but you can see all this extra content is here TV Guide you know basically has every channel is showing within this let's just go to another category for the kids you can see same concept all of your major kids networks are there okay news basically the same thing okay be channels this will be more of your local stuff so you can kind of see the some of these don't have anything in no information which is just kind of well the downsides with the service it doesn't have you know your local TV Guide there okay but it has tons of different options here these are all your ABCs are here scroll down a little bit further there's our CBS's again you'll have to come and find out which time zone you're looking for and hopefully find it there maybe you can see the number or the letters there for your city but if not you'll find something definitely in your time zone they basically got everything there okay so let's go a little bit further down again this is just one app we've got another one I'll show you here in just a second but don't the CBS tons of foxes are there again you know look at it spend a few minutes find which ones you're looking for and I bet you'll find something close to your areas you can watch it so you don't have to watch an east coast or west coast feed you can find something in your in your area there okay so anyway tons of locals there Canada stuff very similar to you u.s. right great entertainment packages here for it go for it so is everyone there I'm not sure guys you'll have to obviously you know test this out and see if it's gonna be the one for you but I'm just trying to show you guys that they've got a lot of options here for you so hopefully that will make sense so you do have your pay-per-view stuff there you got all that's there all your major sports will be here as well you can see that ESPN Plus these will be all your regional sports that come on here for that your NBA that's in season now so these will play you know when there's a game on you'll have to come and watch those unfortunate this one doesn't give a TV Guide listed for that either but sometimes when the games get close they'll put something in there and say you know X teams playing X team so I think you understand what I'm saying no this is all include you're not paying extra for this you know fee or whatever you're getting it all included any of these things I'm showing today is all included K obviously NFL is out of season NHL in MLB those will all be there when you know when it comes in season okay 24/7 so you got tons of options here these just play over and over again different episodes different seasons get you all this content here for okay you can definitely see lots of ones to watch in here kind of alphabetical so if you're a big binge watch Iran one of these
categories you can come in here and check it out okay so that's the best way of saying it you know it's there's just so many here you know I could spend a long time going through every single one of these but you guys can see a lot of these are good popular ones you're used to there okay all right so this is a nice little app here you know it does the job gives you kind of a cable feel where that logo is that would be where it would be playing a video or you can go fill full screen obviously we're not showing any of the you know content on there just so don't have any troubles there but do you get the point you got all this good content there okay so that's kind of what we've got there so you've got your sports stuff here and you can see this is major you know sports networks here are four you'll have all those here all included all your regional sports you know for Fox is there we get a little bit further down here there's NBC regional sports are there pac-12 is there so you guys get the point you got tons of options here for you for okay your premium stuff is here as well these are all included okay no extra costs for these ones they're all included a great price again pennies on the dollar we'll talk to them you can again you can see TV Guide is there okay so nice you know basic options here for you of what you possibly are looking for again there's just a lot here to go through them I can spend too much more time on this app itself but you know you can see how the category suicide so let's jump into the other app let me show you what they've gotten again this is only one of a couple of them you can put three or four different apps on this for you so let's go to the other app all right so very similar to the other one we've got all the categories up top you can see right here listed for this depending on what category go to it looks like they've got it just over 2000 options there forward four different entertainment you got your UK your Doc's your movies news kids all that's here kid regionals for the UK then you got your us entertainment you can see as we scroll down here there's your TV Guide showing up looks really well most your channels are all there you can see all did locals and different options are for okay oh that's there K your docks your movies news just as we talked about exact same categories we just saw but this one is you know giving you a number they're listed up top of how many are in each category what's content is in each one of those K so there's live events sports all that's there k and again there's all those same exact channels we just looked at they're all here just a different layout so whichever one you're more concur with k now this one does have the options for movies and series but there's nothing in there you can't pay a few bucks an extra to get that so if you're interested in that reach out to these guys later to go over that so there's nothing in the catch up for that but they do offer like I said some on-demand stuff there if you're looking for it reach out to them for that okay so very nice very simple you can easily put these as your favorites like you know hitting the heart there when you're into it and it will easily add to favorites so now you can go to a separate favorite category when you're when you're good to go there okay hopefully that'll make sense for you all right these are all those locals we kind of talked about kind of the same concepts so it's just up to you guys which one you like better if you like this and you like the TV made if you like you know whatever happen is smarter so you can use all that for us so hopefully that gives you a