hey guys welcome back to my channel have you ever wondered why when I show videos or other youtubers show videos to you on third-party apps that they run without ads they run seamlessly and they seem to just go faster guys you might have a virus on your fire stick and there's a way to check and I'm gonna show you how to do that right now [Music] alright guys before I get into all the details of this video there's a few things that you need to understand third-party apps could potentially have viruses you want to make sure that anybody that you're watching on youtube has checked their apps for viruses and I can guarantee you that there's a lot that haven't I've come across quite a few of my subscribers recently that have said this apps not working that apps not working I'm getting ads in![]() |
front of my videos and in front of the channels that you show me guys I asked a few people what apps do you have running and where did you get those apps a lot of them had an app called throt TV there's a few others I'm not gonna name them all today but they are known to have viruses those are adwares and trojan viruses they're in on your system that are popping those ads everything you try to do even if you have an ad blocker they will be on there guys I'm gonna show you really quick this program right here as you can see every one of my apps that I recommend to you guys has a green
checkmark every single one of these guys because I will not do a video and bring a third-party app to you unless I've tested it unless I've checked for viruses guys you need to do the same thing with your system right now so let me show you how you can get it on your fire stick all right so what's the program called it's called virus total how do you get virus total on your fire stick you're gonna need a jailbroken fire stick which I'm sure most of you already have or you wouldn't have those third-party apps on your fire stick if you have a jailbroken it make sure you watch our jailbroke video so now you're gonna need the downloader app to get the downloader app if you don't already have it you just go up here to the search right up here at the top and just type in downloader and go ahead and download that don't load that right onto your fire stick and once you've downloaded onto your fire stick it's an icon just like this go ahead and open it up alright so this is the code you're gonna want to put into your downloader just go to the URL section right here and type it in just like this alright guys there it is it is Troy boycott for / virus and this will be a virus protector where you can check all of
your current programs now if you are downloading programs from me you know it's going to be safe because I've already done this process or I would not have brought it to you but not all youtubers do this for you so make sure you and you check their videos out and make sure you check these out or just message me and let me know what do you think about this app in the description down below and I'll check it for you but go ahead and check your system go ahead and hit go and it will automatically download it's a very quick download shouldn't take long at all you're gonna go ahead and accept permission to go ahead and install it right there and once the installation process is
complete we'll do a quick scan and let's check out all of the apps that I have shared with you on this fire stick all right downloaded go ahead and open alright and it will be a little skewed like this I'll show you how to fix that later but let's go ahead and scan it just head up here to scan right here and let's do it alright so when you do it because this isn't a Google Play service it's just gonna come up with this air right here it's not actually an error it's just a warning go ahead and hit go and you're gonna be able to see all of these here so as you can see these are all really good if it has a green checkmark even if there's a couple that have one or two detect it it's probably just because it's not an Amazon product I check all mine I make sure that they're all in the green checkmark arrow any video that I bring to you guys check yours out and see if you have any Reds let me give you an example of a couple red ones like the throb TV right now [Music] you you alright guys so there you go you saw an example of what it looks like if you do not have if it does have a red checkmark right there so let's go ahead now and show you how to keep this from not being so shrunk all you need to do is just hit the home button any video that you watch or any apps that you watch what's happening is your screen is turning sideways and then turning back is what's happening so it's an easy fix all you need to do is just go back to your home screen and open it back up and it will be the way it should be just like thatalright guys that's just a little tip that will help you with other videos as well just certain apps for whatever reason do that and it shrinks so it's skewed not properly all you need is to go back go back into it and it will be fixed I just want to show this to you guys I want to make sure everybody has a safe experience I know that a lot of people watch my videos especially live TV videos or live movie videos like cinema HD for example and you're getting ads at the beginning of all of those movies and or TV shows guys unfortunately you probably have an adware running in the background or you don't have like AD guard or an ad blocker or you don't have a VP and these are all needed guys you
can do so much with your Amazon fire stick but you can't do those things with your fire stick very good if you don't have the tools and I'm trying to bring you all the tools to make your experience a lot better guys so make sure you have this app on your fire stick and check it out find out if you have any current malware adwares trojan any kind of a virus on your fire stick that would cause you not to be able to run as you see me do here on these videos guys give you all the tools all you need to do is do it thanks again for watching our video click a thumbs up if you liked it don't forget to subscribe if you're not already subscribed thanks to you g